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註冊 2017-9-26
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發表於 2017-12-1 21:37
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By Ralph SeeramThis article was intended to be about the upcoming elections and the PPP presidential Donald Ramotar, before writing the article last Friday, I made a call to my friend Gregory in New Amsterdam about a charity project, when he inquired if I had read Freddie’s column about me.“About me?” I inquired. “What would Freddie have to say about me?” Now only this last week I complained to Adam about the online edition going on late, after 9am, that is long after many in the Diaspora have left for work, so it is until evening that you try to catch up with Kaieteur News Online edition.Gregory said more than half of the article was about me. This got my curiosity. I am thinking that? Freddie must be running out of topics. Why me? I went straight to the Iphone.Well Freddie labeled me a psychologist and an idiot, stated that I cannot distinguish commonsense from nonsense, that I am cynical and that I adore President Jagdeo. To top it of off he brought Hitler into the mix, asked whether I think Hitler was a horrible person.I thought Freddie was a political analyst, I never knew he was a Psycho Analyst. Poor Freddie,Cheap Sittched Jerseys China, he is so consumed with hate for Jagdeo and the PPP, causing not only his objectivity to be blinded, but has also diminished his reading comprehension skills.First, he sees Ian McDonald as a “very level headed human being”, then criticized him for calling Dr Jagan a genius, because he did not provide evidence of his (Jagan) achievements and…”leaving young readers confused”.Well I can tell you Freddie has me confused here, first he admonished Ian McDonald for not pointing out Jagan’s achievements, but in my article which highlighted the accomplishments of President Jagdeo, he had another tune. It was “crossing the line between commonsense and nonsense” make up your mind Freddie. If I were “smitten” to write “glowing” about President Jagdeo then I guess Kaieteur News is also guilty of the same, because everything the President said he achieved was published by this newspaper and other media outlets in Guyana.The article had nothing new that was not elaborated before by the President to the Guyanese public. Relaying what Jagdeo said does not constitute an endorsement. If that were true, Freddie, you would be his largest endorser.I would have thought that Freddie would dispute the message, point out the inaccuracies of the President’s statement. Since he did not attempt to dispute that aspect of the article, I would assume that he has accepted them as fact. So why slay the messenger, Freddie. I suggest you read my article, “Don’t blame the messenger” Kaieteur News 04/24/2011. It is always about the MESSAGE, not the MESSENGER.Freddie seems to be portraying me as a propagandist for the PPP. Poor Freddie. “The buck stops at your desk Mr. President” Kaieteur News10/31/2010? deals with corruption; “Why the Diaspora Care” Kaieteur News 04/31 2001, deals with transparency and accountability,Cheap Jerseys From China,” Guyana’s image abroad”, Kaieteur News 02/13/2011.Freddie, I even took up your cause when Greene incarcerated your hide for three days in the lock up, Kaieteur News 01/11/2011, I wrote “Henry Green should be ashamed of himself”.I write as I see it, without fear of favour, but unlike you Freddie I strive for objectivity. I try to be fair and balanced. I did it under the worst of times when the PNC were in power, and see no reason to change my beliefs now.It is so ironic that Freddie complains about democracy and dictatorship in Guyana yet enjoys the freedom to insult the President in so many ways, while Jagdeo goes on record to say he will defend the right to criticize the government.I ask you, Freddie, would you have risked calling Burnham the kind of names and description you assigned to Jagdeo; I think you know the answer.Pointing out that I may be the biggest idiot if I believe President Jagdeo does not read Kaieteur News, Freddie conveniently left out the fact that I told the President that I think Kaieteur News is the first paper he reads in the morning.I expressed an opinion that the President is passionate about his country; Freddie interpreted that as an adulation of Jagdeo. If expressing an opinion of Jagdeo is adulation then by the same logic, Freddie, you are way ahead of me on opinions of the President. Are you opinions of Jagdeo adulations?Democracy is a very fluid term, it depends on the yardstick you are using, what reference point, which model we are using. What may be democratic in some societies may be viewed differently by others. But then again I need not tell this to a self professed “intellectual” like Freddie.I do believe that there is democracy in Guyana? Of course I do. That does not mean that I endorse everything the PPP Government does. There is no question that the government has engaged in some undemocratic activities, an