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帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2455
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發表於 2017-10-28 14:43
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– two women implicated Police are investigating yet another housing fraud, this time involving two women who collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from several individuals claiming that they could secure house lots for them at Hope on the East Coast of Demerara.One of the women implicated in the alleged house lot scam leaving CID headquarters yesterdayThe two women were questioned by detectives yesterday at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, Eve Leary, but were released on bail and are to return next Tuesday for further questioning.One of the women who admitted collecting monies from the victims claimed that she was an employee of the other and was paid a salary of $100,Authentic NFL Jerseys Free Shipping,000 per month for the period the alleged scam was perpetrated.However, the other woman is vehemently denying being involved in the scam.Police confirmed that neither of the alleged tricksters was employed with the housing ministry as they claimed to their victims.Investigators also confirmed that they have recovered several receipts for payments on house lots from the home of one of the women.One of the victims, Lena Persaud, who spoke to this newspaper outside the CID Headquarters, said that she was introduced to the scheme by a relative of her husband who incidentally is another victim.Persaud,Wholesale Jerseys, who lives at Mahaicony,Cheap NFL Jerseys USA, East Coast Demerara recalled that in March this year, after expressing an interest in the house lot, she was taken to one of the women at Pigeon Island also on the East Coast of Demerara.There she was made to photocopy her identification card and birth certificate before being asked to pay $108,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,000 for a $500,000 house lot.She left Guyana and returned with the intention of paying off for her house lot but that is when her suspicions began to be aroused.“When I come back, I called the woman who I paid the money to in Pigeon Island she told me that the matter is in the hands of the police…the (other)woman get locked up and the police have started an investigation,” Persaud said.She told this newspaper that she immediately contacted the CID at Eve Leary but she did not manage to make contact with the investigating rank.Desperately in need of an explanation on how she could recover her money, Persaud kept trying to contact the investigating rank until she finally succeeded in meeting someone who was dealing with the case.Yesterday, she was informed that the two women would be at Eve Leary and she immediately travelled to Georgetown to have a confrontation, especially with the alleged mastermind.“When I come, I pleaded with her that I just wanted my money back, in a nice way. I work hard for my money and you just can’t take people money like that,” Persaud told this newspaper.She informed that from the information she has been able to gather, more than 40 persons have been conned in the plot.According to Persaud, during the confrontation one of the women who is believed to be the mastermind angrily declared that she never received any money from her nor did she ever see her before.Kaieteur News understands that a file on the matter will be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice on possible charges to be instituted.


帖子 2516
註冊 2017-5-23
用戶註冊天數 2581
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-10-28 16:01
  中新網上海9月7日電 (記者 陳靜)“國際搬傢”——聽上去是個很繁瑣的過程。但是,一位在跨國企業工作的外籍高層筦理人員Thomas7日接受埰訪時表示,近期他從法國來上海定居時,只用了三天就完成海外搬傢,入住申城的新居。上海出入境檢驗檢疫部門同日告訴記者,四年前,來上海定居的海外人士,從入境到完成搬傢、拿到行李至少需要等待一周以上的時間。
上海在中國率先探索試點海運分運行李集中查驗模式,減少物流環節、大大縮短了通關流程,在提高檢出率的同時,助力搆建國際化、便利化的營商環境。 芊燁 懾
借助X光機開箱查驗和配套口岸初篩工作室後,疫情和禁限制物品的現場截獲率大大提高。 芊燁 懾


帖子 2516
註冊 2017-5-23
用戶註冊天數 2581
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-10-29 15:27

  香港和米蘭2014年4月7日電 /美通社/ -- 國際關注的業界盛事“米蘭設計周”將於2014年4月8日至13日舉行,而噹中的一個重點展覽 - “香港:變不停”設計展,將於同期間每天上午10時30分至晚上10時,於米蘭三年展設計博物館 (La Triennale di Milano) 舉行。該設計展由香港設計中心主辦,涵蓋超過60位香港設計師或設計項目,展示香港未來設計力量。




  設計展策展人,獲獎建築師 Nille Juul-Sorensen表示:“香港永遠恆常地在變,亦在迅速地變;‘變’是香港的其中一個元素。噹你走到香港的街道上,你既可回顧過去二十年的變化,亦可前瞻未來二十年的發展。這看似現代化的城市,卻又同時滿載矛盾:她既帶匠心獨運的工藝,同時又走在數碼時代尖端;她既富傳統特色,同時又具反傳統性格。通過此設計展,我們希望突顯香港的‘變’,展示這城市的特質如何激發創意及所有設計意唸。”

  有別於一般展覽會把所有展品放在現場逐一展出,“香港:變不停”設計展以嶄新多媒體方式演繹設計師及其設計項目 -- 設計展現場以香港街道為藍圖,兩旁設大型屏幕播放香港都市生活的短片,參觀者將有如寘身香港繁華街道,感受香港獨特的生活文化及其所帶來的設計靈感。此外,參觀者可配合手提電話或平板電腦,捕捉大型屏幕中不同場景的 QR 碼;該 QR 碼將可引領參觀者觀賞部分香港設計師的短片,了解他們的設計觀點和靈感。不單如此,參觀者更可即場下載智能手機應用程序,全面檢視所有參與設計師及其設計特色,透徹感受香港如何地被塑造成一個獨特和多元化大都市。設計展涵蓋11個領域超過60位設計師或設計項目,包括建築、藝朮科技、視覺傳意、創意生態及教育、時裝、室內設計及傢品、香港/國際、街頭文化、係統、傳統/現代,及新晉設計師。

  “香港:變不停”的另一焦點為其特色的同場活動 -- 互動設計裝寘。有別於其他紙張藝朮設計,該個由香港新晉二人設計組合、香港青年設計才俊大獎2013*得獎者 Stickyline 主理的活動,巧妙地以平面的紙張轉換成三維立體裝寘,並會即場邀請參觀者一同制作出一個巨大的稻米田裝寘及噹中的步徑,桃園裝潢設計

  除此之外,“香港:變不停”設計展亦涵蓋不少年青的新晉設計師或其品牌,矚目耀眼,噹中包括MIRO(陳凱納,香港青年設計才俊大獎2013* 得獎者),其作品曾於米蘭傢具周、荷蘭設計周、柏林 DMY 等國際設計展覽及博物館中展出;專門設計極具時尚感及高質量手制工藝眼鏡品牌 Genic Eyewear;環保產品設計師張瑋晉,愛將廢棄物料重新利用並加以改造,制造質量更佳和富於環保價值的產品;張瀚謙(香港青年設計才俊大獎2011 *得獎者)、Goodss(梅傲雪,香港青年設計才俊大獎2007 *得獎者)、Pill & Pillow、Amenpapa、The Yesterday Skin 及 OpenUU 等。







  參與之香港設計師/設計項目:建築:中銀大廈、香港國際機場、香港上海匯豐銀行總行大廈藝朮科技:AVIE、iButterfly/創奇思、張瀚謙、歐西亞、Pill & Pillow視覺傳意:陳幼堅、劉小康、靳埭強、柯熾堅、Six Station 、TGIF、李永銓創意生態及教育:中區警署建築群活化計劃、起動九龍東、荷李活道教育及推廣計劃(趙廣超)、香港知專設計壆院、唯港薈酒店、香港理工大壆賽馬會創新樓、PMQ 元創方、香港城市大壆邵逸伕創意媒體中心、天天向上、西九文化區時裝:Amenpapa、鄭兆良、Genic Eyewear、The YesterdaySkin、Twisted Sisters、譚燕玉室內設計及傢品:彼我它工作室、住好?、Goodss、辦館、MilkDesign、MIRO、OpenUU、紅白藍330、奕居香港/國際

  :羅偉基、劉傢寶、羅啟妍、 Michael Young、yU+co街頭文化:民間博物館計劃(蕭競聰)、Graphic Airlines、九龍皇帝、StartFrom Zero、Stickyline係統:八達通、香港電車有限公司傳統 / 現代:嘉頓、天星小輪、紅白藍、紅A、TWEMCO、林偉而(竹棚搭建藝朮)新晉設計師:Amenpapa、張瀚謙、Genic Eyewear、Graphic Airlines、I'mperfect、張瑋晉、辦館、MIRO、Solar Cookers (by One Earth Designs)、OpenUU、Pill & Pillow、Six Station、Start From Zero、Stickyline、TGIF、The Yesterday Skin


  只有變,才是恆常。這句話聽起來或許像陳腔濫調,卻是對香港最貼切的描述 -- 尤其噹漫步蜿蜒如叢林的城市街道時,便會發現那不斷變化的本土風?。然而,變化的過程並不一定是線性和單向的。



  * 引自 Paola Antonelli 於 M+思攷“亞洲設計:歷史、收藏與策展”的講座內容,亞洲協會香港中心,2012年12月3日


   Nille Juul-Sorensen - 著名獲獎建築師,參與多個香港及亞洲設計項目,現為 Danish Design Centre 的行政總監







   (Salone d’Onore, La Triennale di Milano, Viale Alemagna, 6, 20121 Milano, ITALY)


帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2467
用戶失蹤天數 1814
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-10-30 16:01
A group of about two dozen people picketed the Office of the President Thursday to voice their disapproval of the recent salary increases of Parliamentarians and Ministers of the Government.Protestors on the picket line outside Office of the President.Men and women under the Red Thread banner stood on Vlissengen Road with placards which made clear their grievances.Red Thread member,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey, Joy Marcus, on the picket line said that her group is highly offended by the 50 percent increase for government officials while public servants only received a mere five percent on their salaries in the recent budget.“We don’t think it is right to tell workers that the country doesn’t have money to give more increases for public servants and pensioners yet (government officials) can give yourself and everyone else an increase.“Public assistance persons only receive $6,China Jerseys NFL,500 a month while (government officials) are already getting a lot of perks and still they have raised their salaries. They gave the excuse that the officials must be paid for their “quality work” what kind or work is everyone else doing then?” Joy asked.The women of the organization also said that they are “highly insulted” by the way the matter of the pay rise was dealt with. The lack of a public announcement about the pay increase was seen as a “sneaky” act by the administration similar to the ones they condemned during their time in opposition.They were not amused by Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s uttering to justify the pay increase that government officials needed to be paid well so that they would not be tempted to “thief” like former Ministers.The justification was seen as disturbing by the women’s group. It insinuates that Government officials cannot survive on $500,000 a month while “normal tax-paying Guyanese” are expected to survive on $6,500, $17,000 and $50,000 per month without any of the benefits enjoyed by government officials, they said.Marcus expressed disgust. “We don’t get all these perks and allowances that they would get and we are the taxpayers.” She further argued that Government cannot say that they does not have money to give public servants a 20 percent increase but yet could find money to pay itself as much as 50 percent after just five months in office.She said the group believes that by this unfortunate decision the government has betrayed the people who voted for them.“We voted for them to rid our government of twenty three years of arrogance and now this government is doing the exact selfish thing. We too are quality people just like those in high offices and should be given the same treatment.”She said that several other picketing exercises are planned for Office of the President and the Parliament buildings. “Its taxpayers’ money why are you taking so much from us and not giving us anything at all,Wholesale Adidas NHL Jerseys,” she said.Ultimately the group was adamant that the government needs to review their position about the increases and they have to be a listening government for the people.“You can’t only want us around elections time and after then you have no time with us, do what yah want and then come to us when you need us to vote again. We are the ones who put you there as a government to serve us not yourselves.“Thief or tek all is money out of poor people’s pocket.”? The group’s contention is that Government should “raise public servants pay to decent rates first then we can perhaps negotiate.”Member of the Red Thread women’s group,Kyrie Irving Jersey, Karen DeSouza, also on the picket line said that the recent increase was a major misstep for the new administration even as the Government is believed to have contradicted themselves many times regarding the salary increases.As a result, their rationalizations for the increase are being interpreted as a very negative sign for the future of Guyana under the David Granger-led administration.“However they want to rationalize the increase, Ministers should have hung back until workers who have families to maintain were made comfortable before they made moves to increase their pay,” DeSouza stated.The salary increases which caused public outrage came on the heels of the recently passed 2015 budget. The budget saw public servants receiving miniscule increases as opposed to what they were promised during the pre-election campaigning.On August 5, 2015, Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman made claims that increases were not being considered for the immediate future in the wake of rumours of the salary increases. On September 25 however, Trotman’s claims proved to be spurious and placed him in an unfavorable position with the public.Constitutional


帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2467
用戶失蹤天數 1814
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-10-31 01:49
“I will not be involved in the business of playing politics or being in the Chamber for the sake of being here knowing that my ability to offer genuine representation is stymied or non-existent.”By Gary EleazarDespite a historic General and Regional Election which places Guyana for the first time with a minorityAFC Executive Members Raphael TrotmanGovernment in Parliament and the Opposition Alliance for Change and A Partnership for National Unity with a combined majority, nothing much seems to have change in terms of the political landscape.This conclusion can be drawn from the fact that despite a tripartite proposal in terms of working together on certain pertinent issues, there is yet to be consensus and one politician from all indications will not be drawn into the fray of the same old politics.Raphael Trotman, the leader of the Alliance for Change, had contested the election as Prime Ministerial Candidate after his colleague Sheila Holder fell ill and died.Trotman however, despite his party securing seven seats in the National Assembly, from all indications will not be sworn in as a Member of Parliament (MP) for the tenth Parliament expected to be convened by Head of State Donald Ramotar shortly.According to sources, Trotman is sticking to his position that he held during the final days of the ninth Parliament.In one of Trotman’s more revealing speeches in the ninth Parliament which expired shortly before the November 28 Election,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he stated emphatically that, “I have resolved that for myself, I will not be involved in the business of “playing politics” or being in the Chamber for the sake of being here; knowing that my ability to offer genuine representation is stymied or non-existent.”Trotman in a direct message to his fellow MPs, the then Speaker of the House Ralph Ramkarran and the populace had stated that “I have therefore resolved to only be involved in the future when there is something that is constructive and not destructive; something that is embracing and not insular; and something that is forgiving and reconciling.”Trotman at that time had reminded that that Article 13 of the Constitution states that “The principal objective of the state is to establish an inclusionary democracy by providing increasing opportunities for the participation of citizens,China Jerseys Wholesale, and their organisations in the management and decision-making processes of the State, with particular emphasis on those areas of decision-making that directly affect their well-being”.Trotman is on record as saying that the time has come for “us to forge a system of governance that promotes concerted effort and broad-based participation on national decision-making…we cannot maintain the Republic if we continue to practice our combative,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, competitive, and confrontational style of governance.”This, according to a source, has not changed and Trotman is of the firm belief that not much progress can be made given the confrontational attitudes with which he has become disgusted still pervades with no clear indications of a change.Trotman is of the opinion that,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, “Unless we have the courage to embrace our own unique form of power-sharing and inclusive governance, uniquely designed for our unique situation, we will continue to be lesser than our true potential.”Trotman had told the House that, “we desperately need a President,Cheap Jerseys USA, (and a government), who demonstrates the capacity, ability and willingness to bridge the ethnic and political divide, to confront and address legacy issues that spurn hate and revenge; to forge a culture of accountability and acknowledgement that creates the atmosphere for forgiveness and reconciliation; and to put Guyana and all of its people first, and not ego, blind ambition, ethnicity, gender, religious belief, age, and even sexual orientation, if I am to be politically correct.”Trotman’s substantive political career commenced over a decade ago, when he was first elected a member of the Mayor and Councillors of the capital City of Georgetown (1994). He has been a Member of Parliament since 1998.He has since also served as Chairman of the Legal Affairs and Security Committee of the City Council, and a member of several Parliamentary Select Committees from 1999-2001, including from 2001-2005, a member of the Foreign Relations and the Constitution Reform and Standing Order Committees of Parliament.


帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2467
用戶失蹤天數 1814
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-10-31 09:53
Gizmos and Gadgets is determined to improve its services provided to retailGizmos and Gadgetscustomers by introducing a “No Hassle Return Policy.”Customers who purchase any product from the Gizmos and Gadgets Super Store will be automatically entered into the entity’s Very Important Customer (VIC) Club program.With this, consumers will have up to 14 days to return any product for a refund,Discount NFL Jerseys, in a process that would take no more than 10 minutes. Another great feature of this game changing “No Hassle Return Policy” is that customers do not need to walk with their receipt to make the return.Chief Executive Officer of Gizmos & Gadgets,Soccer Jerseys Cheap, Mr. Ravi Mangar,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey, said,Cheap Jerseys China, “We believe that retail stores in Guyana need to be held to a higher standard with the products they provide and the service they offer to customers. We at Gizmos have taken this step because we believe in the high quality of our products.”Mangar added,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, “We also know that customers’ minds can change for various reasons after they would have purchased products. A customer shouldn’t be hassled for changing their mind. We decided to roll out this promotion now so in the event that fathers wanted to return their gifts for another one or for cash back they would be able to do so hassle free.”Also, Gizmos and Gadgets will be working closely with the Guyana National Bureau of Standards during the implementation of this programme.