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註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2470
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發表於 2017-10-30 20:31
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–?? ?disguises himself to visit his homeland By Dale Andrews Ever since a wanted bulletin was issued for his arrest in 2008, 44-year-old Linden Sinclair has been forced to into dodging local police. His alleged crime is: abducting his two-year-old son Ezekiel and taking him back to his place of birth,China Jerseys NFL, French Guiana.But Sinclair is adamant that the crime he is being accused of is a big fabrication. For him, the only crime he is guilty of was trying to be a father of his child. In an age when society is crying out for fathers to play a more meaningful role in the children’s lives, Sinclair said that he is being persecuted for doing just that.The time spent hiding had taken its toll on Sinclair, and coupled with the fact that his young son had to endure the stress with his father forced Sinclair into settling his feud with his former girlfriend and sending the child back to Guyana.The former Foreign Service Officer, who was forced to seek the safety of the French overseas department to the east of Surinam, recently returned to Guyana for a brief period and related a tale of being hounded by the Guyana police at the instigation of the mother of his child, with the backing of a former top police officer.Risking capture, Sinclair, using several disguises, combed the city, hoping to get a glimpse of his now seven-year-old son, whom he had not seen for the past two years.Now safely back in French Guiana, he gave the go-ahead to publish his story,Adam Joseph Duhe Dolphins Jersey, since he is desperate to clear himself of the abduction allegation.In 2008 a police bulletin read: “Lynden Sinclair, whose last known address was 412 West Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown, is wanted by the police for questioning in relation to the abduction of a two-year-old male child. Sinclair, 39, is a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Linden Sinclair and his son.The police are asking that anyone with information which may lead to the arrest of Lynden Sinclair kindly contact the police on telephone numbers 225-6411, 226-9941, 226-6978, 227-6123, 911 or at the nearest police station. All information will be treated with strict confidence.”But according to Sinclair, he had a falling out with his common law wife after returning to Guyana with little Ezekiel. He said that he had confided in the woman that he had information on a high ranking policeman who had direct links to the illegal drug trade.“It was dirty,cheap jerseys elite, terrible. Stuff about rapes, going as far back as twenty years…his links to Roger Khan, and other hard evidence,” Sinclair disclosed.The former Foreign Affairs Ministry employee said that his common law wife, who he believes had struck up a relationship with the police officer, let the cat out of the bag and since then he became a target for elimination.He stated that although he was still an employee of the Foreign Ministry at the time, he had to be constantly “looking over his shoulder” for he was convinced that the high ranking cop was definitely pursuing him for personal reasons.“Oh, he was coming after me! Because when I heard that the police were looking for me, I checked with Eve Leary and they said ‘No! No such thing!’ People were coming to my mother’s house, my cousin’s house, but never to my house.”Sinclair went into hiding and had taken his son with him.As the hunt for him intensified, he decided that he had to leave Guyana. But at that time he was not willing to put his young son through the horrors of being on the run with him.He contacted the child’s mother and offered to have her take him back. This newspaper was provided with recorded conversations between Sinclair and the child’s mother, during which he pleaded with her to take the little boy. However while the woman agreed, she insisted that the child be taken to a police station and she would uplift him from there.Sinclair admitted that he sensed that he was being set-up so that the police could capture him, and he expressed that sentiment to the woman. The woman also expressed fear for her safety and declined to collect the child without the police being present.Eventually they agreed that the child be taken to a police station at a specified time, so that his mother could collect him. The plan fell through, for although Sinclair kept his end of the bargain, the woman did not show up to collect her son.“Thirteen times she refused to come and take him and this is what the public should know. She refused to come and take him. I took the child to the Linden Police Station; I took the child to the Social Services. I did make efforts to give her the child and she refused,” Sinclair told Kaieteur News.He even claimed that at one time when he made arrangements with the woman to hand over the child at an agreed rendezv