標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-17 21:40
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A traumatized Caneville shop owner said that she was held at gunpoint Sunday night and relieved of over $1.2M in cash and articles while closing her shop.Yesterday,Authentic Jerseys From China, the shop remained closed.The business woman who declined to disclose her name said that about 9:20 pm she went to the front of her shop to close the shutters when she saw three young men coming up the road.The woman said that one of the men approached her from behind, pointed a gun to her head and ordered her into the shop.“He had the gun to me head and walk me in the yard and tell me go in the shop and give he all the money we had”, she recounted.She added her during the 10 minute ordeal her 22 year-old daughter who was also in shop was then taken along with her into their house where the men then demanded more cash. While in the house the woman said that the armed bandits then took her up to the room and broke a lock on a drawer and removed $1M which was in one of their haversacks.“They snatched a gold chain and a gold band from me daughter neck and hand and took off me gold band and we had some more jewelry in the room and they took those too,” the victim said.She added that before the men left they also collected three laptops (Dell,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, HP and Sony brands), a pair of Converse sneakers and a DVD player.The business owner said that at the time of the robbery five persons were home,Wholesale China Jerseys, among them her three children. Her husband was not home. The children were not harmed during the robbery.After the robbery the men then made good their escape on foot through the street, shooting as they went further.This publication learned that this was the third time that the woman’s home and business have been robbed by a group of three young men.She explained that the first robbery happened a number of years ago when three men robbed her home. The second robbery occurred in July 2011 when $600,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000 was stolen.The visibly shaken woman told Kaieteur News that she had never seen the unmasked men prior robbery which would give an indication that the men could have been residents of the area.Meanwhile,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, a police source said that the men,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, up to press time, have not been caught. Investigations are ongoing.