標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China along with Dr Singh

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-17 04:22
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Nigerian-born Dr Jacob Opadeyi has been officially named Vice Chancellor to the University of Guyana. The announcement came after a Council meeting at the University yesterday which saw the Trinidad-based lecturer being approved at the level of the Council for the high-profile position.Dr Jacob OpadeyiSince Friday, a Search Committee had identified Dr Opadeyi as the best suited candidate for the post from a list of four who were shortlisted.He will effectively fill the void left by former Vice Chancellor Professor Lawrence Carrington who proceeded on end-of-contract leave on February 6, 2012. Carrington had assumed duty at the University on April 1, 2009.This publication was informed that the decision will be formally announced today at a press conference.Dr Opadeyi’s selection was made by the University’s Search Committee made up of a total of seven individuals,wholesale jerseys china, including representatives of the Government,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Opposition, the University and the Education Ministry. However,Jerseys NFL Cheap, that Committee did not have the final say on the appointment but rather the University’s Council which yesterday approved the selection.Reports reaching this publication subsequent to the selection were that the choice of the 59-year-old lecturer had raised concern among many at the Turkeyen Campus,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, despite him being the holder of laudable credentials. Dr Opadeyi holds a Ph.D in Surveying and Engineering and an Executive Masters in Business Administration.“He cannot offer the University anything and if his appointment is approved it would mean that those responsible do not have the university’s best interest at heart,Cheap Jerseys,” said one official who requested anonymity.The award-winning Dr Opadeyi was among the four shortlisted from a list of 19 individual who had applied for the post.? There are concerns that the Search Committee might have overlooked one of the most suitable candidates for the position in the person of Dr Jaipaul Singh of the University of Central Lancashire. Also shortlisted were Dr Muniram Boodhoo and Dr Rory Fraser,Cheap Jerseys 2018, both of whom, along with Dr Singh, are Guyanese nationals and overseas-tenured academics.The process of selection for the new Vice Chancellor has been touted as one of the most thorough in the 49-year history of the local university.