標題: NFL Jerseys From China

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-12 11:13
分享  私人訊息  頂部
State prosecutor Pritima Kissoon yesterday responded to submissions previously made by Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos as the preliminary inquiry (PI) into the death of 16-year-old Neesa Lalita Gopaul continued before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine- Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Charged for the murder of the former Queens College student are her mother Bibi Gopaul and the woman’s lover Jarvis Small, a gym instructor. Small is being represented by De Santos while Gopaul ‘s lawyer is Vic Puran,Cheap NHL Jerseys, who has been absent on several occasions recently. He is expected to soon make an appearance to respond to the prosecution’s submission, which is that enough evidence has been led for the two accused to stand trial at the High Court.Kissoon said that the prosecution has put forward enough evidence to prove involvement by the number one accused Small, in the murder matter, and related to the physical evidence,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, which is the main linkage to Small’s alleged involvement.Kissoon further cited alleged reports made against Small in relation to charges made against him by the deceased. She then mentioned evidence given by witnesses who gave certain information under oath. All this the prosecutor said while putting over authorities to back her claims.De Santos however fired back at the prosecutor that none of her authorities were relevant to the information she had given. De Santos said the prosecution was unable to make the link between his client and the murder while the prosecution’s case,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, he said,NFL Jerseys China, was mainly based on speculation.The lawyer spoke of information which Kissoon had mentioned, as contradictory. He said that his client had never admitted to anything and still the prosecution had not shown what part he played in the alleged murder. De Santos said all they had was an object and information given by witnesses.He related to the admissibility of the alleged claims made against his client by the deceased before her demise. He asked whether it was enough for the prosecution to say that his client had committed murder and thus reiterated that the prosecution’s evidence is mere conjecture.De Santos concluded by saying that the Neesa Gopaul case has gotten its fair share of speculation and comment,Jerseys NFL China, however,Cheap China Jerseys, the judicial system is one that stands alone and impartial.In October 2010, Neesa Gopaul‘s body was found by a family on an outing on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. The remains were stuffed in a suitcase.