標題: Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2010

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註冊 2017-9-12
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– 30,000 new ones still to be collectedNational Identification Cards issued before October 2009 are not valid for use in the upcoming local and general elections. As a matter of fact, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has announced that those cards will be decommissioned after October 31.At the moment, GECOM which constitutionally is mandated to ensure that the processes are in place for the holding of national and local elections,Cheap Jerseys, has over 30,000 identification (ID) cards which are yet to be uplifted.With the elections fast approaching, the non-collection has become a critical issue. It is believed that among the 30,Cheap NBA Jerseys USA,000 persons, a number of them are dead, have migrated or have changed their address.GECOM in a release addressing the issues yesterday noted that it took the unanimous decision on Tuesday to decommission all National Identification Cards issued before October 2009.ID cards issued before October 2009 are to be decommissioned from November 1, and cannot be used to vote in the upcoming national elections.“This decision was taken at the 335th Statutory Meeting of the Commission which was held on Tuesday, August 16, 2011. The effective date of the decommissioning will be November 1, 2011. Consequently,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, all ID cards issued before October, 2009 will not be valid for electoral purposes at General and Regional,NFL Cheap Jerseys, and Local Government Elections.”GECOM explained that in view of this decision, ID cards, both the “red” and “green” that were issued before October 2009 will not be accepted as a means of identification for voting at the upcoming elections.“These cards will have no relationship with the Official List of Electors (OLE) to be produced for the General and Regional Elections – 2011.”Since 2007, GECOM says it has been advising that citizens needed to be registered during the 2008 House-to-House Registration exercise, and during the subsequent “Continuous Registration and Claims and Objections” exercises.“Further, GECOM had repeatedly published notices via the print and electronic media informing the public of this decommissioning eventuality, while emphasizing that it is absolutely urgent for persons who have not collected their new ID cards as yet to do so immediately.”However,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, GECOM? is still in possession of approximately 30,000 new ID cards for persons registered during the? 2008 House-to-House Registration exercise,Cheap Jerseys Online, during the “Claims and Objections exercise for Local Government Elections (January-February, 2010), and during the 2nd Cycle of Continuous Registration (September-December, 2010)”.On a related matter, GECOM disclosed that it has commenced the distribution of ID cards produced for persons who were registered during both phases of the recent Claims and Objections exercise.National Identification Cards can be collected from the respective GECOM permanent Registration Offices across Guyana on Mondays to Fridays during normal working hours.