標題: Cheap Authentic Jerseys

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-9 21:42
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A 34-year-old man accused of beheading his landlord and burying the body in the backyard of his Patentia, West BankAccused: Andre HurdleDemerara home, six years ago,Jerseys From China, is mentally incompetent to stand trial, a judge ruled yesterday.Andre Hurdle, who has been remanded since April 21, 2008, was listed to be tried on a murder charge before Justice Brassington Reynolds at the Georgetown High Court during the current session of the Demerara Assizes.Hurdle called ‘Dumb Boy’,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, of Lot 93 Patentia,China Jerseys Cheap, is accused of murdering his 54-year-old landlord, Ramesh Singh called ‘Chookul’ sometime between March 7 and April 17,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 2008.Last month,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, Hurdle was taken before Justice Reynolds for the trial to commence but due to his “disorderly behaviour,” the judge ordered that he be mentally evaluated.At yesterday’s hearing, a psychiatric evaluation was presented to the presiding Judge by Psychiatrist, Dr. Bhiro Harry. The specialist concluded that Hurdle was not fit to stand trial and could benefit from more treatment.After listening to the report,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Justice Reynolds ruled that Hurdle was mentally incompetent to stand trial.Judge Reynolds’ decision means Hurdle will be sent back to a state facility where doctors will try to treat him to see if they can restore his competency to a point, where he understands the case against him.At present, the matter stands adjourned and Hurdle was further remanded.His case is being prosecuted by State Prosecutors, Attorneys-at-Law Teshana James-Lake, Stacy Goodings and Orinthia Schmidt.Previous reports indicate it was weeks after the landlord was slain that his body was found around 12:20 hours on April 18, 2008, buried in a shallow grave.Singh’s son Mahesh reportedly went to his father’s Fourth Street, Patentia home after receiving reports that he was missing. It was there that the young man was reportedly told by a neighbour that he had seen the accused digging a holeDead: Ramesh Singhin the backyard.The accused had reportedly claimed that he was digging the hole for a latrine and had allegedly told neighbours, who enquired as to the whereabouts of his landlord, that the man had left for Suriname.At the first court appearance at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrates’ Court, presiding Magistrate Fazil Azeez was told that Hurdle was dumb and hearing-impaired. He was remanded and the case was transferred to the Wales Magistrates’ Court.According to court documents, Hurdle was committed to stand trial by Magistrate Ann McLennan in 2011.