標題: Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-10 08:33
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Junior Chamber International Guyana (JCI) recently participated in an exchanged visit with their JCI Suriname chapter in Paramaribo, at which seven of its members successfully completed two days of training on “JCI Admin” (the JCI Local Organisation Management Course),Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and “CSR Training” (the JCI training on the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Active Citizen).Some of the JCI Guyana members who participated in the training session.Those attending the training session were Natisha Abel,Cheap Jerseys China, (President); Nasoya Chapman; Shefern Blackman, (Vice President); La Shaune’ D’Avilar (Assistant Secretary General); Yolanda Morris-Noble (Prospective Member); Kayode Lambert (Communication Director) and Eon Stephens (Prospective Member).The training was conducted by Certified JCI Head Trainer,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, Gunther Meyer, ITF 007 (JCI USA) and Assistant Trainer, Marciano Lie A. Young,Cheap Jerseys From China, ITF 114 (JCI Suriname).Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a worldwide community of young active citizens who share the belief that in order to create positive change, they must take collective action to improve themselves and the world around them.JCI Guyana is an arm of this body and directly affiliated to the JCI West Indies and JCIs worldwide.It works towards leadership development and providing opportunities for the development of skills that will benefit both personal and professional lives.It does so by providing opportunities for young people to develop their leadership and entrepreneurial skills, social responsibility and fellowship necessary to create positive change through its many training opportunities such as those conducted recently.Their theme for this administrative year is “Be Better –Empowering Young Minds”.The organisation encourages persons with a desire for such to become involved, especially with the wide range of upcoming events in Tunisia, St. Kitts, Trinidad & Tobago,Cheap Jerseys, Barbados, Curacao,China NFL Jerseys, and Suriname.According to officials, the involvement of locals provides opportunities for community service, networking and life-long friendships.