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註冊 2017-9-12
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發表於 2018-7-9 06:59
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– appeals for financial assistance? ?By Abena RockcliffeNot knowing which is more of a bother to her,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, whether it is the excruciating physical pain that currently consumes her,NFL Jerseys China,? or the emotional hurt that comes with knowing she has an approximate 10 months to live, Patina Augustin is appealing for financial assistance to aid in the purchase of daily medical supplies.The 34-year-old mother of three disclosed Friday that she was diagnosed four years ago with cervical cancer at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados. Then, in December of last year,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, she was told by doctors at Mount Hope Women’s Hospital in Trinidad that she has 18 months to live.The former Guyana Defence Force athlete said that doctors at Mount Hope explained that the cancer has taken over 75 percent of her body.? Therefore, any attempt at surgery would have caused her to die in a month’s time.Also, the woman explained that she was born with sickle cell anemia and doctors explained that the ailment, coupled with cervical cancer is double jeopardyShe said that it costs her $7000 daily in medication to suppress the pain and she is appealing with the public for assistance to purchase her medication.There are two injections that each cost $3000 and she also has to consume over 20 tablets at a cost of $840 to $1000, depending on which pharmacy the drugs are procured from.Daily, she has to get prescriptions for the injections needed since they are considered “dangerous drugs” so at no time can she access her medication from home.“If I didn’t get it myself there is no one that can get it for me,” she stated.Patina AugustinIn pain yesterday, she explained that at times she is alleviated from some amount of financial burden,China Jerseys NFL, when the drugs are available at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).However,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, on Friday,China Jerseys, the GPHC could not fill her prescription due to unavailability of the medications the former athlete was left with no other choice but to endure the pain.The woman related that counting down the days is no easy task. However, she uses the opportunity to spend time with her three children.Also, she wishes to visit schools to sensitize females of her ailment. Augustin said that she hopes that she can be an example to young girls so that they can see the need to be aware of the early signs and symptoms and for them to know that checking for such ailments and an early diagnosis could be life saving.As she held on to her stomach, Augustin muttered that some days are worse than others; yet, each day is an extreme challenge. She shared with this reporter that some days she has to force herself into doing some form of household duty just to ignore the pain since “there isn’t much I can do about it.”The patient said that she has received assistance from the Ministry of Human Service though a $10,000 food voucher and a $4000 assistance airport tax as she travelled the last time to Trinidad for medical attention.Augustin is soliciting assistance from the public “in any little way possible” as for the reminder of her life, she has to live on medications.Persons interested in making a contribution can contact her on 223-2019.