標題: Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys “freeze

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-11 14:46
分享  私人訊息  頂部
The third hearing of the trial involving the persons accused of robbing prominent businessman Malcolm Panday continued yesterday with one new police witness taking the stand to explain his involvement in the high speed chase that led to four of the accused reportedly being cornered in a city hotel compound.Tactical Services Unit (TSU) rank Constable Kelvin Liverpool presented evidence before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry yesterday. He was led in his evidence-in-chief by special prosecutor Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos.The policeman alleged that on the day in question while he and another rank were patrolling on motorcycles along Sheriff Street, they received information via their mobile handset and as result of that information, proceeded to Bel Air Park.The officer said as they reached the Bel Air area,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, he noticed two vehicles heading towards him at a very fast rate. He said a white Toyota AT 212 motorcar was leading with a silver Toyota Premio trailing. He said as the cars passed, the driver of the Premio signaled him to follow, which he said he did.He said for some time the two cars raced, taking various streets, travelling along Sheriff Street, into Kitty and then onto Vlissengen Road. The police said all this time, he and his partner were trailing behind the two speeding cars. He then alleged that he saw the Silver Premio park in the middle of Vlissengen Road, in front of the Ocean Spray Hotel.The TSU rank said that the AT 212 had entered the hotel compound and the driver of the Premio was signaling him to enter the hotel compound.The police rank said he parked his motorcycle outside the compound gate and then proceeded into the hotel compound on foot.He said after passing the gate, he noticed four males who had exited a car now heading towards the exit gate; that is, towards him. The policeman said he then yelled to the men, “freeze, police.”The officer said one of the accused,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, Jermaine Mitchell, pulled out a firearm and discharged two rounds at him. The police said he returned fire and the men ran away and scaled the hotel fence.Liverpool explained that three of the men jumped the fence while the fourth man took cover in the compound. Liverpool said he too jumped the fence and upon doing so he noticed that a gun was lying in a pathway. He also alleged that the men had some distance in front of him and they had each taken different directions.He said he continued the chase, and while running, a man of East Indian descent on a motorcycle had stopped him and told him something. Liverpool further said that the man offered him a lift “to the head of Pike Street” where he saw Mitchell lying on the ground,Stitched Jerseys, with several members of the public holding onto him.Liverpool said by that time,Cheap NFL Jerseys, a Criminal Investigation Department (CID) vehicle had already come to the scene and the suspect was placed in the van. The police said he walked back to the hotel compound and saw Rabindra Seemangal, who he identified as the suspect who took cover in the compound,Cheap Jerseys From China, in the possession of his colleague who was at his side during the chase. He said two other suspects were also in the compound having been brought in by two separate patrol vehicles.The policeman concluded his evidence by saying that he took another police rank to the place where he had seen the firearm behind the wall. After the chase, the rank said he played no other part in the investigations.None of the accused requested to cross examine the witness. Attorney-at-law Randolph Kirton was brief in his line of questioning, and he did so on behalf of his client, Rayon Jones.The attorney based his questioning on the time the witness had seen the accused and for what length of time.Re-examination was denied by De Santos. The matter will resume on July 17.Charged with the offence of robbery are Mr. Panday’s mother-in-law, Chandrada Rampersaud; Hardat Kumar, 23, of Owen Street, Kitty; Jermaine Mitchell,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 20, of YY 15 North East La Penitence, Rabindra Seemangal, 20, of 100 Sheriff Street and Rayon Jones of Lot 2 Hardina Street, Wortmanville.It is alleged that the female accused who had worked at the Pandays’ home noticed that large sums of money were being kept at the house.It is alleged that the woman after being fired from her job with the family as a domestic aid told persons about the money and they conspired to rob the businessman and his family.Things went sour when the businessman was able to slip away during the robbery and contact the police. After an alleged chase the suspects were cornered at the Ocean Spra


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-11 15:47
– only scamps and criminals change their names – Pres. RamotarAttractive election promises and wounding criticisms of the Opposition characterized the presentations delivered to a massive crowd yesterday during the political rally of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) at the Kitty Market Square.The barricaded section of Alexander Street Kitty was outlandishly decorated with red, yellow and black flags and banners encouraging the faithful PPP/C supporters to vote for its Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar and Prime Ministerial Candidate, Elisabeth Harper.Donald RamotarThe relatively younger members of the current administration such as Charles Ramson jnr. and its latest addition, Africo Selman were also some of the feature presenters at the event.At the sound of Ramotar’s name, the audience seemed to be filled with joy and energy as they jumped and shouted his name for a few minutes.Ramotar, during his almost hour-long presentation described the strenuous task he faced in dealing with the joint opposition during the Tenth Parliament on several matters. These he said included the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill, the Budget, the Amaila Falls Hydro Project and the sugar and rice industry.He sent a strong message to the APNU+AFC Presidential Candidate,Cheap NBA Jerseys USA, David Granger that come May 11, “It’s game over.”“I tried to work with these people,China Jerseys Cheap,” the President said but according to him this only proved to be a worthless and futile exercise. Ramotar said that government lived up to all its commitments made to the Opposition but they failed to honour the ones made.He emphasized that this was the behaviour of the APNU and the AFC before they got married. “At that time they were having intercourse in the toilet,” he said.Prime Ministerial Candidate Elizabeth HarperThe PPP/C Presidential candidate said that he does not always respond to the “lies” fed to the citizenry by the Opposition party, but as it relates to the falsehood that the Opposition was never consulted on national issues,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Ramotar said that this couldn’t be further from the truth.He stated that the government tried on several occasions to consult with the APNU and AFC and after making a decision on one thing, the Opposition would have a change of heart, shoot it down in the Parliament, and brazenly try to get the votes of the same people it tried to oppress.In citing several examples to cement his case,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, he said that the Opposition said that it supports development of the Amerindian communities. But when the time came for them to walk the walk, they disapproved of $1B for the hinterland people and are now, “trying to get the votes of those same people.”Ramotar highlighted that the APNU was against the $6B for sugar but is now saying that “sugar is too big to fail. It’s all an electoral gimmick.”He said that such “diabolical behaviour” is a crying shame. However, the President said that despite the aggressive attacks of the Opposition, the country continues to make significant progress. This earned him loud cheers as supporters vigorously waved their, red, black and gold flags and big enamel cups on sticks.Ramotar then told his charged-up audience, “Only scamps and criminals change their names” which sent the crowd into a frenzy and earned him further applause of approval.Former APNU MPAfrico Selman addressing the PPP/C rallyThe President promised that under the PPP/C there is going to be more innovative plans to propel the development of the country. These include an Information and Communication Technology Park at Providence in the near future, Guyana becoming an oil and gas producing nation, the construction of a Specialty Hospital, improvement of the University of Guyana and the building of the Amaila Falls Hydro Plant.The mere presence of his Prime Ministerial Candidate Harper at the podium also reenergized the crowd. The ambassador for women’s rights did not criticize the political opposition but promised the supporters that her party is going to take Guyana to a place of golden opportunities for all.Harper who was accompanied by her husband, former Guyanese cricketer, Mark Harper, spoke on the policies and programmes that will be specially crafted with women in mind. She was of course,Cheap Hockey Jerseys 2019, elated to be speaking in her community, having spent most of her childhood years in David Street, Kitty.In speaking to the women at the rally, she told them that it is not the end of the world if they end up as a teen mom, as the PPP/C is going to implement plans to help them achieve their goals in becoming successful and independent women.She called on


帖子 283
註冊 2018-6-7
用戶註冊天數 2217
用戶失蹤天數 2182
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-11 16:10
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