標題: Wholesale Jerseys

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-13 16:27
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…Joint services resort to chopper The third day of the Linden protest saw even more people taking to the streets despite inclement weather and continued heavy military presence.And the bodies of the three Linden men,Jerseys NFL China, who were shot and killed by police on Wednesday,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, were whisked away by helicopter after the joint services unsuccessfully tried to transport the bodies to Georgetown by road without informing the relatives.They were thwarted in their efforts by angry residents who blocked the road at Kara Kara.In a massive show of resistance and solidarity Lindeners continued to send a clear message to those in authority that they were not prepared to back down until the government withdraws what many consider to? be an electricity increase that’s too ‘astronomical’ for even the few that might have the means to pay.And the cry remained the same, “We ain’t paying no increase”.As on previous days,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys 2018, Lindeners trekked from all across the community to the Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge, but instead of congregating on the bridge itself, as they had done on Wednesday,Jerseys From China, and again on Thursday, people congregated on the Wismar shore, where they stood around in groups.As night fell, many sat around on the logs that were placed to block the roads. No vehicular traffic could traverse Burnham Drive due to the massive barricade.And people who were travelling to the coastland from the goldfields were forced to walk. Some had been stranded in the ‘bush’ ever since the protest at Linden.Yesterday there were three times as many logs across Burnham Drive as Thursday, when the few logs that were placed across the road were cut up by a man and discarded by the police.Traffic was also effectively blocked on the Mackenzie Shore at Kara Kara, where huge fires raged for most of the afternoon.Fires were also lit at the Five Corner leading to the washer Pond Road and at Lovers Lane Amelia’s Ward among other places.Last night the first wake was held for the three who were shot and killed by police on Wednesday evening.The wake was held on the Wismar shore,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, on Burnham Drive, where Lindeners converged in the hundreds.Last night’s wake followed on the heels of Thursday night’s candle light vigil where hundreds also turned out.The mood was somber and very emotional, with many not even related to the dead freely shedding tears.Lindeners are adamant that they ‘will not give up the struggle’. Many of them walked long distances every day and night to congregate at the Mackenzie Wismar Bridge.The current protest action was sparked by Government’s refusal to reconsider increasing electricity tariffs in the mining Town.That increase was supposed to become effective from July 1,Wholesale Jerseys, but Lindeners have vowed not to pay a cent more.Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon has repeated on numerous occasions that “it is not that the people are unwilling to pay, it is that they cannot afford to pay.(Enid Joaquin)