標題: Cheap Jerseys China

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-17 04:27
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Albert Einstein, a famous mathematician and scientist once said, “We can’t solve problems by using de same kind of thinking used,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, when we created them.”That mean you can’t do or seh de same thing and expect a different result. But Jagdeo, that scamp, think that he can create and solve a problem by thinking de same way.He run de country fuh almost 15 years and create unimaginable hardships and problems that to this day de leaders who come after him can’t find solutions.He had a press conference yesterday in which dem boys ask him to explain dem radio licence and frequency that ee give away couple days before he lef office.His answer shock dem boys. He seh how he share? dem licence and frequency wid ethnic balance. That mean that he give de radio licence equally to all de races.He give Babbie, he best friend, five; he give Robert Persaud,Cheap NBA Jerseys USA, he nephew in law, five; he give de PPP five. That alone account for 15. De other couple give out to one and two coolie and black people. That is what that scamp Jagdeo call ethnic balance.And de big three—Robert, Babbie and de PPP— can broadcast countrywide while de others can permitted to only cover a village. That is also balance in Jagdeo book.When he share out de prime waterfront Pradoville land dem boys want to know wha kind of ethnic balance living in there.Jagdeo should also show de nation de ethnic balance of de people who get prime housing lands by de acres pun de East Bank.During de same press conference de GEA boss, Mahender Sharma, is a bright young man. Dem boys agree wid him. De boys was a bright li’l boy when dem know him but since he start hang wid Jagdeo he get just like Jagdeo, ethnically balanced.This same bright young man, Sharma, introduce polygraph testing to catch thieves in ee workplace.? This bright young man too smart. He didn’t lead by example. He test everybody,cheap nfl jerseys sale, except himself. He knock off de petty thieves and keep de big ones just like how Jagdeo knock off Joseph O’Lall, de petty thief, and put in Sharma.Dem boys seh Sharma learn from de best—Jagdeo— about ethnically balance. This is de same Jagdeo that couldn’t find one black person to employ as an ambassador anywhere in de world. And is not dem boys seh suh; is Luncheon tell de court that Jagdeo eye didn’t see none so he couldn’t appoint nine. That is what Jagdeo,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, that scamp,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, call ethnic balance.He mandate two cable licence to two of he friends and of course none ain’t black. That is ethnic balance. Dem boys can write a book about this bandit.However, today is Good Friday so dem boys ain’t want to upset Guyana, because is not one set of people gun be upset. Is all de races,Cheap NFL Jerseys, including Uncle Glenn, who got de biggest newspaper in Guyana.To succeed he had to be a big thief or one of Jagdeo friends.Talk half and a quiet Good Friday to you all.