標題: China Jerseys Wholesale

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-17 10:52
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– CorbinLeader of the Opposition, Robert Corbin, says that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is yet to come clean on the fate of their workers employed at the Diamond Estate.Corbin, at the party’s most recent press briefing, recalled that his party is on record as stating that “Workers employed by the Diamond Estate,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, appear to have been set up for massive defrauding of their benefits and entitlements as GUYSUCO struggles to rescue the ailing sugar industry…While GUYSUCO pursues this devious plan, however, GAWU, the workers union,Jerseys China Wholesale, appears to be collaborating with either the Company or Government, as there are no visible signs that they are actively representing the interests of the Diamond sugar workers.”Corbin added that in response to that statement and as is expected, both GUYSUCO and the Ministry of Agriculture rushed to make denial statements to the media.“It is interesting that in none of those statements did they explain the plan of GUYSUCO for the workers at Diamond Estate, which was the real issue raised by the PNCR.”Corbin said that it is also ironic that GAWU,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the Union representing the workers has been silent on the matter.As such, he challenged both GAWU and GUYSUCO to make a definitive statement about the future of the approximately 450 workers,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, most of whom have more than 20 years of service with Diamond Estate.Dr Faith Harding, an Executive Member of the PNCR,Cheap Jerseys 2018, had told media operatives that the company has repeatedly told the public that it has no plans for closing the estates, “while silently scaling down the operations of all the Demerara Estates.”The PNCR Executive member said that at Diamond,Cheap Jerseys, in particular, no maintenance work is being done on the estate cultivation, while the company vigorously attempts to sell the land to Government and other developers for housing purposes.“The recent passage of $4B through the Ministry of Housing to GuySuCo for housing lands has been well publicised.”GuySuCo subsequently responded, which Corbin insists did not address the real issue at hand.The company had said that it is extremely disturbed at statements made by the PNCR regarding the Diamond Cultivation on the East Bank of Demerara.“We are even more concerned by the PNCR’s use of expressions, such as “defrauding” and “devious” in describing our efforts to turn the fortunes of the Sugar Industry around,” GuySuCo responded later.The Corporation has a well thought out plan to return GuySuCo to financial viability, it stated.“The Corporation has stated before and maintains that it has absolutely no plans to make any worker redundant.“In fact, all terms and conditions of employment of all the workers remain intact and they are compensated for any additional time spent traveling.”GuySuCo said that there is a shortage of labour on the East Demerara Estates where the two factories have been working well below their respective capacities.The plan of the Corporation is to consolidate its workforce to improve production in its two factories and thereby improve the economic fortunes of the two Estates.


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-17 10:55
Representative of the Inter-American Development Bank, Marco Nicola, believes there is need for a reform of Guyana’s financial sector.In a recent interview with this newspaper, the official said that, as a result, the bank, in December, will be submitting a project to its board of directors aimed at reforming the local financial sector.This reform, Nicola said, will be aimed at altering the regulation so as to make the financial sector dynamic and responsive to people’s needs.He noted that the financial sector is sound but not very dynamic,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, because the cost of transactions for getting a loan and the spread between the deposit and lending rate is very high.In this regard,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, he reiterated the need for things to be done to make the sector more responsive to the people.“You need a loan, and you can’t access it because you don’t have your guarantees, because to get those guarantees is very expensive.”According to Nicola,cheap nfl jerseys china, not only banks should be viewed as the financial system, but also institutions that facilitate the working of the financial system.He noted that leasing in the financial sector is not something that exists locally, whereby someone can lease equipment and pay by installments.He pointed out that Guyana is a cash economy. “The system of payment is based on cash, when there are so many other instruments.“It is a matter of technology, I can hardly pay with my American credit card here…It’s a matter of credit information, it’s a matter of the bank taking responsibility for their clients.“We don’t have security, and that is why we are a cash economy.”Nicola also said that, in many instances, business can be conducted differently,Adidas NHL Jerseys China, but Guyanese have a ‘cash culture.’“I think a good balance between good regulation,Cheap Jerseys, risk management, and good bank supervision would be a good recipe for a more dynamic financial system,” Nicola contended.This newspaper understands that the reform programme will take the form of a Policy-Based Loan (PBL) to support the implementation of the recommendations of the 2006 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP).Preliminary areas would include strengthening of financial institutions’ supervision, improving small-scale access,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and upgrading credit infrastructure.The estimated total cost is US$10M.


帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2485
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-17 16:19
For more than six years,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, 40-year-old Carlotta Wharton has been subjected to torment and abuse from neighbours, or so she claims.The Lot 106 Bagotville, West Bank Demerara resident was in tears as she explained that ever since she and her husband divorced about six years ago, there was a massive falling out with neighbours,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, because she,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Wharton, was awarded the man’s house.The mother of three claims that during her working hours, neighbours would vandalize her property, and carry away belongings.“This thing going on for too long,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, and me ain’t able with this no more. These people come in myCarlotta Wharton showing the chopped furniture.house and throw mud water on the walls and nasty up everything. They chop up my chair set, and fetch away all the things in my cabinet. I don’t know what else to do. Nobody can continue living like this,” Wharton said.The woman added that the matter has been before the courts for quite some time. The case has already been heard before three magistrates, Wharton told Kaieteur News. It was recently transferred to the High Court.Wharton told this newspaper that the involving parties as well as police officers usually miss the court dates, thus prolonging her plight.“Everything in my house right now, is what my sisters sorry fuh me and give me. Now these people destroying that and all to. Everything that me, and my ex-husband had together, they already fetch all of it out. What more must I do? Even the courts and all to can’t give me justice,China Jerseys,” Wharton lamented.The woman said that she is yearning to move on in life, but cannot.“I can’t keep my place clean. I can’t extend it to be more comfortable, nothing. Is like me and my husband done, and I left at a standstill. I can’t continue living like this…As a matter of fact, this ain’t even living,Cheap Throwback NBA Jerseys,” the woman added.The woman said that she had approached the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security on the issue, but has always been given the royal run around.She is therefore making a public call to the authorities for help.


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2471
用戶失蹤天數 1947
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-7-17 18:23
– AFC, APNUThe administration’s failure to take timely sanctions for failures on a number of multi-million-dollar contracts and possible fraud at state agencies has seen a number of concerns raised by the Parliamentary Opposition.A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) yesterday criticized the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) for “refusing to take action despite knowing that hundreds of millions of dollars may have been wasted or stolen through fraud or corrupt practices”.There has not been any serious reported case of civil servants being taken before the courts for the recovery of monies nor charges laid for any corruption in recent times.Government has been denying that there is serious corruption in Guyana. While the administration has said it penalized contractors for under-performance and tardiness, it has not been forthcoming in providing information on how many, if any, financial sanctions there may have been.According to APNU, issues like the investigations at National Communications Network (NCN); the delays and suspension of Synergy Holdings as the contractor of access roads to the Amaila Falls Hydro Project site; the spending of taxpayers’ money on the Marriott Hotel and the EZjet fiasco, are but a few of the instances where legitimate questions are being asked as to how state funds are being spent.President Donald Ramotar“APNU calls for accountability and transparency in all of government and calls on President (Donald) Ramotar to show leadership,” the 10-party coalition, which has 26 seats in the National Assembly, said yesterday.BE ACCOUNTABLE“APNU once again calls on the government of Guyana to be accountable to the people of Guyana. APNU once again registers a lack of confidence in the way this government has handled several major projects in a less than transparent manner.”APNU and AFC have a combined 33 seats, compared to the ruling party’s 32,Cheap Jerseys China, in the National Assembly.Since losing its majority in the National Assembly following the November 28th, 2011 General and Regional Elections, it has not been smooth sailing for the PPP/C. It suffered a significant setback after the Opposition reduced the National Budget for 2012.In a rocky year, the Donald Ramotar administration also had to face an opposition which passed a no-confidence motion against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, and which then tabled a motion to gag him in the National Assembly.APNU made it clear yesterday that despite abundant evidence, the administration remains unmoved.“APNU notes with great concern that even though in many cases there has been clear evidence of corruption and poor governance, no one has been held accountable. No government or other officials have ever been punished for the millions of taxpayer dollars that have been wasted or misappropriated on the poorly constructed infrastructure; ill-conceived purchases; projects done without proper feasibility and environmental studies; just to name a few.”APNU said that it strongly feels that the taxpayers of Guyana deserve a government that is “honest and accountable, a government they can trust. A government that is judicious with the nation’s treasure and not one that uses companies like NICIL (National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited), as a personal piggy bank for major projects and purchases that have not been sanctioned by the people’s representative (Parliament).”PUNISHMENTAPNU urged government to understand that it has a responsibility to ensure public officials adhere to high ethical standards and that those who fail to measure up must be punished…“rather than give them cover to continue doing wrong.”APNU’s Carl GreenidgeMeanwhile, AFC’s Vice-Chairman and Parliamentarian, Moses Nagamootoo, said it is no surprise that government has taken its continued stance and is not budging.“No one should be seriously disappointed that President Ramotar has given a stiff back to the episodes of corruption at places such as NCN, NDIA and several other public entities.”Nagamootoo, a former senior PPP/C executive,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, believes that the party could face serious internal backlash if action is taken against officials.“If he (President Ramotar) was to take drastic action it is feared that the PPP regime could implode. The PPP/C is too busy circling the wagon to protect the moribund corrupt breed than to listen to rational voices like Ralph Ramkarran, who warned about pervasive corruption, or respond to bodies such as Transparency International that placed Guyana at the top of the corruption index in the Commonwealth Caribbean.”The AFC official said that instead of fighting the “real monster”, the Government has invented the opposition as a threat to Guyana.“The government has failed to tackle a single act of open corruption, but instead blames the independent newspape