標題: cheap jerseys elite Ministers of Government

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2483
用戶失蹤天數 1830
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-11-3 16:55
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As a form of officially acknowledging Guyana becoming a Republic in 1970, the Flag Raising ceremony was executed yesterday morning.Yesterday’s ceremony marked the second of its kind that President Donald Ramotar attended in his present capacity. He arrived at the Public Buildings in a motorcade being led by three police outriders.President Donald Ramotar at yesterday’s Flag Raising Ceremony. To his immediate right is acting Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs,Jerseys From China Online, Clement Rohee. To his left is Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Dr. Frank Anthony.With all other usual protocols observed, the ceremony was graced with an all-female guard of honour.The event was attended by a number of Diplomats,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Ambassadors, Ministers of Government, Speaker of the National Assembly and other politicians.The public gathered across the road to observe the proceedings. At the end of the ceremony, as the President took his leave,Wholesale Jerseys China, one citizen breached security and got a chance to “touch the President’s hands.”In good faith,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Ramotar shook the gentleman’s hands and continued shaking to other citizens while being driven out of the area.Mashramani,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, often abbreviated to “Mash”, is an annual festival that celebrates Guyana becoming a Republic. The word “Mashramani” is derived from an Amerindian dialect and in translation means “the celebration of a job well done”.