標題: Wholesale Jerseys GPL

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2476
用戶失蹤天數 1823
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-3 22:43
分享  私人訊息  頂部
Following the constant power outages on the West Coast of Demerara, especially in communities between Windsor Forest and Parika, East Bank Essequibo, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL), Bharrat Dindyal in an invited comment yesterday told Kaieteur News that the power company is working assiduously to rectify the situation.However, the CEO could not give a commitment for the exact date when the situation will return to normalcy. He,Jose Calderon Jersey, however, reiterated that “GPL is working very hard to look after the problem.”Kaieteur News had reported that residents in the affected communities have been experiencing black out since last week, as a result of a malfunctioning generator at the Versailles West Bank Demerara Power Station.This newspaper had learnt that for the entire week the generator has been giving problems, and despite being repaired on a regular basis, it would still malfunction.However, Dindyal explained that the power company has no intentions to replace the generator, but is in the process of repairing it.A source at the Sophia Power Station had told this newspaper the generator has been around for a number of years, and it has reached the stage now where it has to be replaced, since despite being repaired on a regular basis, it still malfunctions.It was explained that until the generator is fully repaired, the residents will continue to experience the discomfort of being without electricity for several hours everyday.The source had said that communities starting from Windsor Forest to Parika will face the full brunt of the problem, and could not give a commitment that the issue will ease in the coming weeks,NBA Jerseys China, as it was pointed out that it all depends on the reaction of the generator.For the whole of last week, the communities have been faced with over eight hours of blackout on a daily basis, especially during the nights.This,Nike NFL Jerseys China, the source said,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, is due to the demand during the nights, and as a result, the generator is pressured and would just shut down.Meanwhile, the residents have expressed their dissatisfaction with the performance of GPL, since it is having a negative economical impact on their businesses.Business personnel are facing the hard facts of the situation, since those involved in the meat business have to dump several pounds of their meat, due to spoilage.The residents urged GPL to quickly resolve the issue, so that they can once again get a 24-hour supply of electricity in their homes and business places.In November, the residents also experienced the same problem, but it was explained that the problems were complicated with the fact that six major Wartsilla units had to be overhauled during 2008.There were also the intermittent problems with the availability of the GuySuCo Skeldon sets.Currently, the generation capacity for companies on the Demerara grid is 67 megawatts,Cheap Jerseys, and the demand for electricity is fluctuating at the generation peak.In order to facilitate this, GPL noted that the 5.5 megawatt Wartsilla unit has been overhauled.


帖子 2516
註冊 2017-5-23
用戶註冊天數 2590
用戶失蹤天數 1840
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-3 23:51

  在墨尒本,不停歇的活動永遠挑動著整座城的脈搏。而在一整年中,十一月的墨尒本 人更將迎 來心頭摯愛。作為一年一度的世界頂級盛事之一,墨尒本杯賽馬嘉年華牽動著上萬人的心。300多天的漫長等待,只為這一次的無儘狂懽,要知道,除了男賽馬、女曬帽,墨尒本杯的精彩故事可遠不止這麼多哦!

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  維多利亞達比日 (AAMI Victoria Derby Day),墨尒本杯嘉年華的開幕日,也是梅尒現場時裝大賽拉開帷幕的日子。在這一天,女士們都像開了屏的孔雀,比帽,比時裝,無論似赫本的古典風,似碧昂斯的時尚風,還是似LadyGaga的奇異風,花枝招展,各有其美。

  阿聯酋墨尒本杯 (EmiratesMelbourne Cup) 是齊聚世界頂尖賽馬和騎師的主要賽程日,也是整個嘉年華最最矚目的焦點。政府甚至將這一天定為公眾假日,下午3點開始,絕大多數澳洲人都會放下手邊的一切事,親臨現場或是收看收聽比賽,除了賽馬場上人山人海,整個墨城都將萬人空巷!

  皇冠橡木賽馬日 (Crown Oaks Day) 的精彩,來自梅尒現場時裝賽的總決賽。對最愛美的女士們來說,也許這一天才更為重要。全天濃濃的典雅氣氛,讓橡木賽馬日被人們愛稱為“女士節”。來自不同年齡層的女士們會在這天盛裝打扮,懽聚一堂。

  阿聯酋獎金賽馬日 (Emirates Stakes Day),也是嘉年華競賽與斗艷色彩漸漸褪去的“傢庭日”,輕松、友好的氛圍感染著每一個傢庭。屆時,現場將為孩子們舉辦各種豐富的免費活動與表演,處處可見笑容洋溢的臉龐。

  名流齊聚 斗艷天堂


  地址:Flemington Racecourse, 448 Epsom Road, Flemington VIC 3031
  時間:29 Oct - 5 Nov 2016,其中:
  維多利亞達比日:29 Oct(星期六)
  阿聯酋墨尒本杯:1 Nov(星期二)
  皇冠橡樹賽馬日:3 Nov(星期四)
  阿聯酋獎金賽馬日:5 Nov(星期六)
  電車:從Elizabeth Street與Flinders Street交叉口乘坐57路可直達(行程約30分鍾)


帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2478
用戶失蹤天數 2154
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-4 00:08
By Gary Eleazar?Members of Parliament and other senior officials who are required by law to declare their assets to the Integrity Commission now have two weeks to do so or face the court. This is according to President Bharrat Jagdeo during a press briefing yesterday at State House.President Bharrat JagdeoThe President was responding to a recent call by the People’s National Congress to have the forensic audit of Customs officers extended to senior Government officials.He pointed out that such a call was unnecessary, given that there was an Integrity Commission in place for the same reason.President Jagdeo said that, for some time now, he had urged the commission to publish the names of the defaulters, but yesterday he issued the ultimatum to Parliamentarians and members of the Commission.“On Wednesday (tomorrow), I am meeting with them (Integrity Commission), and I will say to them that within two weeks I expect a list of all the Members of Parliament, that their names be published in the newspaper.”He warned the MPs that they have two weeks to comply with the law,Cheap MLB Jerseys, or steps will have to be taken to have the defaulters charged.He questioned why the PNCR was calling for the forensic audit to be extended when there was already a requirement in law, “and when many of his (PNC) MPs have not been complying with the law.”The President emphasised that the ultimatum was not limited to the Opposition, in that members of the Government side of the House who default will share the same fate.On Friday last, the PNCR issued a statement calling for the forensic audit to include senior Government officials and corrupt business people.According to the party, it has noted that the Auditor-General has confirmed that a forensic audit into the assets of employees of the Customs and Trade Administration (CTA) has been authorised, and most Guyanese would regard this as an important step in the exercise in rooting out corruption from that department.“However, the PNCR believes that this tool would be useful in tracking down the now endemic corruption in all areas of the society.”It added that the Auditor-General and the Jagdeo Administration should call upon those persons and entities,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, including those who have acquired assets which bear no relationship to their incomes and earnings, to submit to similar forensic audits.President Bharrat Jagdeo has called for investigations into the assets of corrupt Customs officers.“It is one thing to look at the current (Customs officers probe) incident, but when you look at assets and how the assets accumulate,Authentic Jerseys Cheap,” then that is a whole other issue.He said that if people were not able to properly account “for their assets, then they have a lot to answer for”.The President was insistent that the assets analysis component of the investigation be fulfilled.He pointed to the fact that if the capability was not available locally, the audit office should seek external assistance and Government would foot the bill.Several Customs officers and other employees of the Guyana Revenue Authority were sent on administrative leave early last year. Five of the employees who were sent on leave were dismissed during the investigations ordered by President Bharrat Jagdeo.As it relates to the contraventions of the Public Audit Act of 2004, in that the report was supposed to have been turned over to the Speaker of the House and not the President, Jagdeo brushed the question aside,NFL Jerseys Cheap, saying that the report will be tabled in the National Assembly on Thursday, and it will be made public, which was the important thing.He pointed out, however,Cheap NFL Jerseys, that the reason why the reported was handed to him before the Speaker was because it was an investigation ordered by the Executive.The Public Audit Act 2004 does emphasise in Section 28 that, the Auditor General shall, in accordance with Article 223(3) of the Constitution, submit his reports to the Speaker of the National Assembly,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, who shall cause them to be laid before the Assembly.Jagdeo insisted that this section of the law spoke to the annual audit of expenditures of ministries, among others.