標題: Cheap MLB Jerseys Authentic to protect it

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註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-3 07:36
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By Leonard GildarieEvery week I try to talk on things that bother me. I view it as criticism to help us make Guyana better.? Sometimes you are on the move and wonder at some of the things that are seen. Like being on the Demerara Harbour Bridge and there is a long line and someone is overtaking. Where in the world are they going? Or you walk into a Government office and the receptionist is having a juicy conversation on her mobile and looks at you with annoyance when you dare to ask her for directions.On Monday, I was not feeling well and headed to the doctor, taking one of those rare days off. I was parked on Brickdam, obliquely opposite St. Stanislaus College in the little lot south of the Magistrates’ Court. At one point I happened to look up and saw a traffic policeman passing. He was walking, I figured from Brickdam Police Station. Not paying much attention,Authentic Jerseys China, I went back to fiddling with the radio. A few minutes later, I saw a white car pull up behind me. Being the alert person that I am, I paid attention, but felt a little assured after seeing the policeman, I figured about 25 years of age, approaching the vehicle.About 10 minutes later, the car was still there and the police rank appeared to be arguing. I was curious…what could they be talking about? Five more minutes passed and I could not bear it anymore. I came out of the car and approached the other vehicle. The rank was vehemently making a point to the driver. I walked up and enquired what could be problem.Obviously, there was a fear that it was two friends catching up, maybe from school. The police rank was not rude. Rather, he seemed shaken. He said the driver jumped the light. I know some traffic offences are supposed to be ticketed. Surely this was one of them. I promptly informed the driver and rank that it does not look good and it appeared to me that some sort of negotiation was going on.Further,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, if it was a ticketable offence, why not get it over with and done? I also said that if the driver had to be taken to police station, then do it. There was an embarrassing silence and the rank said he has to take the driver down to the station, located two blocks away.I can’t imagine that you have to take a driver down to the station for this. Why not give him a ticket there and then? To my surprise, he held onto the documents and ordered the driver to the station. He walked behind. I was told later that the policeman cannot sit in the car. I guess I will have to chalk up my little knowledge down to ignorance. If someone has to be taken to the station for a traffic light offence, then the law needs to be revisited. I am not sure what happened to the driver.ApplyingLast week, we spoke on pre-fab housing and the possibilities locally. This week, the big topic in the air is about hydro power and the need to have cheap electricity.Owning a home automatically comes with expenses like maintenance and water and electricity bills.Whether you are building or renting, a meter for electricity is a must. You are allowed to have a “temporary” meter when the home is under construction. The temporary here means you are expected to remove it after the home is completed. Many people keep it for a few years. I can’t emphasise how dangerous this is.The temporary meter is there for the power saws and other work that necessitate the use of electrical tools. In all likelihood the temporary meter will be the same one attached to the home after it is completed. It is a circuit board with outlets, a main switch, and eventually the meter which GPL contractors will install. A certified electrician will help you build one and get the necessary permits that GPL will need to approve the application for a temporary meter.Now, I have been talking with GPL this week. They are no longer issuing the post-paid meters (old meters). All new residential customers are getting the prepaid meters. This new technology was introduced to Guyana just around three years ago and about a fifth of the homes on the coast (about 30,000) are already equipped with them.It will cost about $10,000 to apply for one, GPL says. Currently, around 1,200 of these meters are being installed monthly, in both the new housing schemes and other areas.Under new regulations, GPL,Wholesale Jerseys China, once it has received an application with all the necessary documentation, has to provide service within 14 working days or face penalties from the regulator…the Public Utilities Commission.GPL is also saying that once a customer is caught stealing electricity…and we all know what this is…then that state-owned company automatically issues a prepaid meter to the home.Danger!Now, after you would have completed construction on the new home, you have to apply to have a meter attached to the home. It means th