標題: Cheap Jerseys Two in custody

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-4 10:17
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– Two in custody, one at large The usually quiet island of Leguan was sent into uproar on Sunday evening when three brothers carried out a brutal cutlass attack after cornering three young men in a house. The incident started to unfold some time around 20:00 hours in Thierens.One of the victims,Authentic Arizona Cardinals Jersey, Glendy Alleyen, who related the story from his hospital bed, said that Shermel Semple,NFL Jerseys Supply, Kwame Stanton and himself,Cheap Jerseys China, were heading to another part of the Island for an evening walk when three brothers from the Maraj household attacked them with cutlasses, forcing them to abandon their motorcycle and bicycles and flee on foot.Alleyne said they managed to flee from their attackers and sought refuge further up the road,Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale, in a house.The young men then contacted a relative who is a member of the Leguan Community Policing Group and who at the time was at the Leguan Police Station.Allen, Semple and Stanton then informed the rank about what had transpired and requested that a policeman come to the scene and possibly escort them back home since they had to pass by their attackers’ home.While the police was on his way, Alleyen and the others remained in hiding at a house.Alleyen said while hiding in the house they heard loud footsteps but took them for nothing as they were of the opinion that they were safe in the house.Much to their surprise,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Alleyen said that he saw the same Maraj brothers all brandishing cutlasses.Allen said the three brothers then began chopping at them mercilessly but their main focus was him.Even with blood flowing from his wounds Alleyen said all he could have done to save himself was run as his colleagues did.Alleyen said they managed to run and hide in nearby bushes. Alleyen and Stanton were also severely wounded.The two were immediately rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital and subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.Stanton was treated and sent away while Alleyen was sent for emergency surgery. His right arm was almost severed and he had several other chops about his body.The matter has since been reported and police have launched an investigation.Meanwhile,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, this newspaper has been informed that Alleyen and one of the Maraj brothers were scheduled to appear in the Leguan Magistrate’s Court on Thursday for an ongoing matter.Alleyen only came out from the interior on Saturday last so that he could be present for the court hearing.This recent incident has angered most of the community since this is not the first like incident involving the Maraj brothers. Persons are of the opinion that investigations of incidents involving the three suspects are always compromised since the family from all indications has a very good relationship with ranks at the Leguan Police Station.