標題: China NFL Jerseys Volda Lawrence

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-4 10:19
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…Child Care unit seeks ‘Julius’ to provide assistanceThe Child Care and Protection Services Unit of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security is currently actively seeking the 15-year-old male identified as Julius on a tape-recording with an older person. The teen called this older person Kwame and the conversation continues with this older person soliciting sex from the teen.According to a well placed source within the Ministry, the officers are concerned about the young man’s psyche in light of the extensive coverage that has been given to the sex tape.The source noted that should the conversation prove to involve Kwame McCoy then he should resign from the Rights of the Child Commission forthwith. It is a despicable thing for someone to be soliciting sex from a minor.It was pointed out that in light of McCoy’s denial the unit has to wait until President Jagdeo returns to ascertain the likely course of action.Meanwhile Shadow Minister of Human Services,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Volda Lawrence,Wholesale Jerseys Online, has said that the current controversy surrounding Kwame McCoy, given his role on the Commission for the Rights of the Child is casting a bad light on the work of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.She said that it matters not whether the allegations are true or not.She noted that the Head of the Presidential Secretariat should launch an investigation,NFL Jerseys Cheap, given that based on the telephone records the call was made to a number at the Office of the President.No person can just walk off the street and access a telephone in the Presidential Complex.Meanwhile, Kaieteur News was yesterday served by Court Marshall with an ex parte injunction and libel suit by Press Liaison to the President,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Kwame McCoy,Air Max 98 Gundam For Sale, who moved to the High Court before Chief Justice Ian Chang against this publication as well as Prime News and Enrico Woolfood of Capitol News.McCoy,Cheap Atlanta Braves Hoodies, who is being represented by Attorneys-at-Law Sase Gunraj and Bibi Shadick, managed to secure a temporary injunction wherein the Chief Justice ordered that the named defendants refrain from further publishing words or images that have the effect of insinuating or suggesting that Kwame McCoy is involved in acts of child molestation and sexual predation on minors until the determination of a summons to continue injunction.McCoy is also seeking damages in excess of $50M from each of the named defendants for what he calls libel.The matter is returnable on September 29.