標題: Cheap Jerseys 629 4752.

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-4 20:25
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Relatives of a South Ruimveldt man are desperately trying to locate him,NFL Jerseys From China, after he failed to turn up at his reputed wife’s home at Charity,Wholesale China Jerseys, Essequibo several days ago.According to relatives Steve Caesar called “Mankind” left his mother’s South Ruimveldt Home on June 5, for Charity.His sister, Natoya, yesterday told Kaieteur News that since her brother’s disappearance relatives have received various phone calls about him being killed.Missing: Steve Caesar The sister told this newspaper that Caesar’s reputed wife received a phone call from him, on June 5, informing her that he was on his way to Charity. The man never showed up at the woman’s home.“Persons are saying that he was killed …but we are yet to receive any word from the police,Discount Football Jerseys,” the sister said.The woman’s numerous calls to Caesar’s cell phone went unanswered. “Not answering his cell phone is something very strange because he would always answer his phone,Nike Air Max 98 Gundam 2018,” the sister said.A report was made to the police station,Cheap Jerseys China, but the relatives are yet to receive word from the police about the progress of the investigation.Caesar was last seen wearing blue jeans,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, plaid shirt and a pair of brown sandals. Anyone knowing Caesar’s whereabouts are asked to contact the nearest police station or his family on telephone numbers 223-4663, 629 4752.