標題: Cheap China Jerseys Authentic OMG

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註冊 2017-9-13
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發表於 2018-2-5 01:29
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“Wow, it’s midnight here in China,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, a million thoughts running through my mind at this moment,Lisa Punch delivers a winning rendition of her original song “One last Time” to win the Miss World talent segment,NFL Jerseys China, securing a place in the top 25.but most of all, just grateful for all the love and support, just grateful to be among these lovely ladies from all over the world.I stand on this stage not as myself but as GUYANA!!”The words of Miss Guyana World, Lisa Mary Johanna Punch, on her Facebook page just after she was adjudged the most talented at the Miss World 2015 pre-finals talent competition.Monday’s win in Sanya,Jerseys China Wholesale, China has catapulted this one time Charlotte Street talented beauty and former radio/television personality closer to capturing the Miss World crown.It has landed her into the upcoming finals slated for Saturday. Her tool to winning the fast tract event was an original song written in tribute to one of her cousins who passed on.? She outperformed the likes of beauties from Malaysia, Jamaica,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Paraguay and Samoa.Nafieza Daniels, her overjoyed mother posted,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, “Today is two years since we migrated to the USA and today you won the Miss World talent 2015 for GUYANA! I’m in tears! Isn’t THE HOLY SPIRIT GREAT! OMG! CONGRATS MY DEAR,Cheap Jerseys China,”According to pageant bloggers and websites some of which place her ultimately winner or first runner up of the contest, the results came as no surprise as Punch is one of the more popular contestants this year. In fact, she has had the opportunity to showcase her talent at several shows across China as part of the competition including live on China television broadcasted to millions of viewers.Guyana and supporters alike are being encouraged to download the Miss World App on their mobile devices and show support for Lisa by voting for her.World App via Google Play you can follow these steps.1. Use 1 Mobile Market App http://www.1mobile.com/1mobile-market-free-android-store-79…2. install and search for the Miss World App3.Then Vote for me and 2 of your favorite girls