標題: China Jerseys Free Shipping Leonora and Essequibo

帖子 12227
註冊 2017-9-12
用戶註冊天數 2485
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發表於 2018-2-6 09:40
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Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Minister of Culture Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony yesterday? joined members of the Enmore Shiv Mandir, in observance of the 65th anniversary of the five martyrs who were killed on June 14,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China, 1948 during a massive strike demanding higher wages and improved living conditions on the sugar estates.“I’m privileged to join in the reflection of the lives of the five sugar workers…..it is no doubt that this event is one of the most historic moments in Guyana,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys,” Prime Minister Hinds said, as he reflected on the death and contributions of the sugar workers.Prime Minister Hinds said that at that time the sugar workers were involved in a struggle and the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan had struggled and ensured that the people’s voices were heard at the national level. He said today, Guyanese can live better lives.He also spoke of the many challenges in the sugar industry,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, and encouraged the people to work together to overcome those challenges. Prime Minister Hinds also charged the gathering to live in unity, and honour the sacrifices of their forefathers.On the morning of June 14, 1948 hundreds of sugar workers gathered outside the Enmore Sugar Factory for a protest and picketing exercise. They attempted to enter the factory compound, but were pushed back by members of the police force who opened fire and five of them were killed and many injured.Minister Anthony said that often times persons focus on those who died but forget about the many that were injured.“We need to go back into our history and understand the struggles of our forefathers…. if we do not keep our history alive we will forget what happened,Wholesale Jerseys,” he charged those gathered.Minister Anthony said that indentured rebellion also occurred in areas such as Rose Hall, Ruimveldt, Non Pariel, Leonora and Essequibo; however,Discount NFL Jerseys, he said the Enmore Martyrs’ incident was different, and it changed the dynamics of the nation.A monument was also erected in honour of the five Martyrs and every year homage is paid to them. Minister Anthony said that this year,Wholesale Jerseys China, the Ministry will be looking at the maintenance of the site. (GINA)