標題: China Jerseys the Pacific

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-2-6 22:00
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Regional agro-processors will join two local groups in the finals of the Accenture funded “Making Markets Work” project’s Entrepreneurship Awards ceremony.The event will be held in Lethem during the latter part of this month. This is according to CUSO International in a press statement yesterday.Pomeroon Women’s Group GuyExpo 2013CUSO is implementing the Making Markets Work project in Guyana in collaboration with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO).The project targets six women’s agro-processing groups belonging to the Women’s Agro-processing Development Network (WAD Network).The two local groups selected are Pomeroon Women’s Agro-Processors Association of Region Two and Waini Naturals of Region One.The aim of the project is to promote market led approaches that increase the incomes of poor and marginalised groups and people. One of the primary goals of the project is to improve the ability of rural and indigenous producers to access, participate and influence market activities by understanding and influencing the dynamics of their respective value chains.The groups selected were assessed at the country level,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, where there were seven local competitors. The top three local applicants were placed in a regional pool comprising Bolivia, Nicaragua and Peru.Subsequently, four finalists were selected to compete for the top prize of US$2,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys,500 at the Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony to be held in Lethem this month. The two other finalists are from Peru.The Accenture funded award scheme was designed to reward outstanding entrepreneurship ventures that have also contributed to poverty alleviation and improved livelihoods.Similar events have been held in Africa and Asia where VSO and CUSO works.The Pomeroon Women’s Group is noted for its products which are branded “Pomeroon Delight” and include the award winning Virgin Coconut Oil, Hot Pepper Sauce, Green and Brown Seasoning, Mango Achar and Fruit Mix.Meanwhile, Waini Naturals produces Crabwood oil,wholesale nfl jerseys, soaps and creams. They have an arrangement with Sterling Products that is assisting them to distribute their products to mainstream supermarkets in Guyana.Each year, CUSO sends hundreds of volunteers to work on collaborative development projects in more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean.CUSO International (formerly CUSO-VSO) was created in 2008 from the merger of two development agencies: CUSO was founded in 1961, originally as Canadian University Service Overseas.CUSO International is the North American strategic alliance partner of VSO, a worldwide federation of voluntary service overseas organizations based in the UK, the Netherlands,NFL Jerseys From China, Kenya and the Philippines. Volunteers are also recruited from the United States (through Cuso),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, India (IVO), Ireland (VSO Ireland), Uganda (VSO Jitolee) and Australia (AVI),Jerseys NFL China, and from several developing countries with VSO programs.Approximately one-quarter of Cuso and VSO volunteers are from the developing world.These VSO agencies make up the world’s largest non-governmental development network that works through volunteers.Collectively, the members of VSO International have placed over 45,000 volunteers since 1958.