標題: CHeap NFL Jerseys China FATF

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2459
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 06:01
分享  私人訊息  頂部
The government has all but failed in efforts to get the opposition to rush amendments to the law against financial crimes to avoid a blacklist being imposed next week in Nicaragua.Attorney General Anil NandlallHead of the Financial Intelligence Unit, Paul Geer, and a state attorney were expected to defend Guyana’s case,Nike Shox Gravity Black, but the government has roped in Attorney General Anil Nandlall to seek an extension.“When momma dry,China Jerseys, you gaffo suck granny,” is how government’s chief spokesman Dr. Roger Luncheon chose to describe the move to have Nandlall travel to the Nicaraguan capital, Managua.President Donald Ramotar had appealed to Parliamentarians to expedite their work on the amendments in a Special Parliamentary Committee and take their report for a vote in the National Assembly by May 28, the latest.A sitting of the House was originally set for that date when the House adjourned last Wednesday, but that sitting was postponed to June 13. The House can convene in a special sitting to take the vote if the committee completes its work, but that is unlikely to happen as the committee is due to hold its next meeting until June 12.The government wanted the amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2013 (AML/CFT) passed before it faces the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) review panel in Managua starting Monday.The CFATF is an arm of the International Financial Action Task Force (FATF),Cheap Jerseys From China, an independent inter-governmental body that develops and promotes policies to protect the global financial system against money laundering and terrorist financing, among other financial crimes.The CFATF had required that the country amend a range of laws. Amendments to the various laws were lumped together and taken to the House as the AML/CFT Amendment Bill.The amendments were needed to reduce structural, legislative and administrative deficiencies in the anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism architecture and to meet the international standards established to protect the international financial and banking systems.The government insisted that without passing the amendments before Guyana faces the review,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, severe sanctions that would have a range of implications for the financial sector especially, including humbugs in the flow of international funds, such as remittances and wire transfers.In an unprecedented move, Ramotar,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, on Wednesday sent a message to the National Assembly appealing to all sides of the House to urgently review amendments to the law on financial crimes so that the country can avoid the international financial blacklist.The two opposition parties had said that they would not rush consideration of the amendments.The seven-seat Alliance for Change (AFC), which holds the balance of power in the National Assembly,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, is sticking to its demands.The party has said it would exchange its support for the amendments only if the government provides a definitive deadline for the setting up of the Public Procurement Commission and if the President re-considers assenting to two Bills which were brought to the House by the opposition and passed.Head of the FIU, Paul GeerThe opposition is adamant that the Government’s recklessness in the management of the country’s national and international affairs is what has led to what is being described as a crisis situation, but the opposition said the blame lies squarely at the feet of the government for wanting to give the people’s elected representatives dribbles of information.


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 06:14
…global economic crisis can be an opportunityA section of the gathering at the Small Business Development Finance Trust Annual General meeting yesterday The sustainability of micro-finance projects is always a challenge, Canadian High Commissioner, Charles Court, said on Tuesday.Addressing the Small Business Development Finance Trust Annual General Meeting, the High Commissioner said that there are some 10,000 micro-finance projects around the world but not all are functioning.He said that Guyana has the human and physical resources that are waiting to be exploited in this area.Through the Canada Fund Support in 2002, he said, the organisation was helped with the setting up of its office.The SBDF aim is to create an equitable society by integrating people, strategy and best practices in its operations.Economic Officer at the United States embassy in Guyana, Richard Bakewell, who was also at the event on Tuesday,Cheap NFL Jerseys, said that micro-finance is necessary but not sufficient.He noted that while there is a crisis in the world, this could be used as an opportunity. Bakewell urged that the SBDF take this crisis as an opportunity.The SBDF is a ‘not for profit’ organization established in 2002 to promote socio-economic Development of the poor, indigenous, women and others who are left out of the development process.In his report, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sattaur Gafoor, told the gathering that during the past year, the economic environment in Guyana was very unstable.In the first half of the year the outlook was better, but in the later half,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, he said, the down turn started to reflect in lower local as well as regional demand.However,Wholesale Jerseys China, the micro and small sector continue to sustain, though at lower level, he added, stating that SBDF has tried to focus its efforts on generating opportunities for self-employment and asset creation.During the year, SBDF has strengthened its capacity to deliver better services to the micro and small sector.Last year, the chairman stated in his review, the SBDF funded more than 540 micro and small loans to the value of $147.2 million and in the process created and sustained approximately 1,368 jobs in the economy.Due to limited funds and transport facilities, SBDF has not been able to provide Credit Services throughout the country as desired,China Jerseys NFL, however, have serviced areas of East Bank Essequibo, Regions Three, Four and Five.According to the Chairman, special efforts were made to enhance awareness of SBDF credit Services among East Coast Demerara communities (especially among women) and Kuru Kururu to Laluni on the Linden Highway.Gafoor said that for the sixth year the Trust has contributed $6.8M as generated income to its capital fund, which has not only enhanced its capacity to lend but also generated confidence in its management capabilities.Last year, Gafsons Industries Limited placed its Employee’s Benefit Retention Funds with SBDF. Yesterday, the International Finance Corporation signed a loan agreement for SBDF.Meanwhile, Head of the Guyana Office for Investment, Geoffrey Da Silva, told the group of entrepreneurs that there are major indicators for further problems in the United States that will affect Guyana’s exports.At present, he said, efforts are being made to access new markets.The SBDF provides micro, housing,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, consumer and development loans with technical assistance to all clients in pre-disbursement and post disbursement.They finances loans fore agricultural activities, craft, tourism,Cheap Jerseys From China, manufacturing and process among other areas.


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2459
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 08:47
The St Mary’s Anglican Church of Albion Front on the Corentyne took time out to honour 20 fathers last Sunday during a special Father’s Day programme at the church. The fathers received hampers and gifts donated by several corporate entities in Guyana.The event was organised by Vestry member,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Romel Ayasammy, who said that the event is an annual one that is specially geared to recognise the valuable contributions to fathers in the parish and Albion community.He thanked Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) for presenting the Father of the Year,NFL Jerseys From China, Rohan Basdeo,China Jerseys, with a cell phone as well as gifts. Ayasammy thanked P&P Brokers and Edward B. Beharry and Company Ltd for donating the hampers and gifts.He also expressed gratitude to Digicel,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Guyana Beverage Company,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, Demerara Distillers Limited, Farfan and Mendes,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, Comfort Sleep and the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation for their generosity in sponsoring the event.Ayasammy added that a gift to the oldest father in the community will also be presented shortly.