標題: Cheap China Jerseys

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2459
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 11:37
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Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo during last Friday’s Private Sector Commission dinner at the Pegasus Hotel said that the clandestine actions of some individuals within private sector entities often support corruption.According to Jagdeo, “every time you find a state employee involved in it you find a counterpart in the private sector.”He noted that in the forestry sector there are clear rules,Wholesale Jerseys, singling out Barama Company Limited, “they had to pay a big fine…US$700,000.”Jagdeo also drew reference to another such company which he said had to also pay a fine for a process violation.When asked why there is not the institution of a special fee for urgent processing,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, the President said that he did not agree with this, pointing out that there should be a specified time for the processing of each person’s documentation at the various wharves.He conceded the significant problems at the wharves citing the recent dismissal of some 16 Customs Officers because of what he called corruption.“That is the tip of the iceberg….we are investigating some more of them.”Recently Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, at a post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President reported that the decision has been taken to institutionalize polygraphy in Guyana.He said that the testing will be extended to the operational arm of the State as well as Government Agencies.This he said is in an attempt to ensure integrity at the various professional levels.Dr Luncheon also reminded media operatives of the incident in 2008 which resulted in the polygraph testing of some 32 staffers at the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit where nine had failed and were dismissed.He said that the commitment to have the testing done annually saw in May last staffers posted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.According to Dr Luncheon, they include CJIA staffers,Supply NFL Jerseys, members of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA),China NFL Jerseys, the narcotics branch of the Guyana Police Force as well as CANU.He reported that of the 25 members of the narcotics branch of the police force at CJIA that were tested, four failed.Of the 10 GEA staffers that were tested another four failed while five of the 13 CJIA staffers that were tested failed. There were no failures among the CANU staff.According to Dr Luncheon it has been advised that the same course of action be taken as with the catalyst scenario in 2008 with the CANU officers.The narcotics ranks of the police Force that were tested and failed were subsequently transferred.In March of this year, President Bharrat Jagdeo at a press briefing had said that the entire issue of polygraphy would be reviewed adding that he was not happy with the expansion of the polygraph that was taking place at the timeHe had noted that he was one of the strongest advocates of extending the polygraph testing from CANU to other agencies.He said that while he still believes that polygraphy is a very useful tool,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, he believes that for it to have maximum impact it has to be done in “controlled circumstances” and “where the units are small…“From the time you start using it as a tool in larger agencies,Cheap Jerseys From China, where they have the numbers running to hundreds of people, you are going to have problems.”The Head of State pointed out that if there is active investigation and someone has been identified, then the agency could request that, that person take the polygraph.“I am very reluctant to do so in larger agencies,” he said. According to the President, when those at CANU were tested, everyone in the unit underwent polygraphy, so that it is not perceived as unfair.“If you start handpicking from agencies …and if you only hand pick people on the ground…often corruption goes up through the agency…this is why I have spoken to the Cabinet about this…“We have to be very careful about doing this except in special circumstances where you may be pursuing an investigation.”He added that it is impossible to have polygraph tests conducted on 500 or 600 people at a time.