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註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-15 19:18
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Police are trying to locate a Section ‘D,’ South Sophia cobbler,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, who allegedly set his stepsister alight at around 14:30 hrs yesterday after accusing her of stealing a pair of slippers.Samantha SchwartzSamantha Schwartz, 38,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, also of Section D,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, South Sophia,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, sustained burns to the upper body and right arm after the suspect allegedly doused her with a flammable substance and set her alight as she stood on her front steps.A sister of the victim told Kaieteur News that the incident stemmed from a dispute over a pair of slippers that a female friend of Schwartz’s had allegedly stolen from the suspect. Kaieteur News was told that the other woman, who has the reputation of stealing from her neighbours, had removed the footwear from the cobbler’s stand on Friday night.The sister said that at around 14:30 hrs yesterday, Schwartz’s step-brother went to her home and asked her about the slippers that her friend had stolen.According to a cousin who lives nearby,NFL Jerseys Supply, Schwartz said: ‘I don’t know about any slippers’,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and the stepbrother then threw a liquid on her. He then reportedly placed a cigarette lighter near to his fuel-drenched stepsister.“I see he throw something on her and then I see the flames,” the cousin said. A sister of the injured woman said that she heard her sibling’s screams and then saw her engulfed in flames.Kaieteur News was told that one of Schwartz’s sons threw water on his mother, but then relatives instructed the victim to roll on the ground. Despite her injuries, relatives first took Schwartz to the Sophia Police Station to make a report before taking her to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.She has been admitted to the hospital’s Burns Unit.Kaieteur News understands that police twice visited the scene but failed to locate the suspect.