標題: NFL Jerseys China spare parts

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2459
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-16 05:38
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Haresh Narine Sugrim, the owner of GUYTRAC, was not born with a “gold spoon” in his mouth; but utilizing his God-given talent as an astute businessman…he is a self-made success story in business.The 65-year old resident of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice, is also a practising Hindu who gives back to his community. He is a responsible and well-respected corporate citizen of Guyana.He recently came forward to refute what he deemed to be a potentially libelous report in the Kaieteur News on January 6, 2016 edition.The article reports that a deposit of $82,068,617 was effected to the bank account of a sitting Government Minister on June 16, 2011. It also linked this suspicious activity to Sugrim.The Chief Executive Officer of Guyana Tractor and Equipment Company (GUYTRAC), based on Mandela Avenue in Georgetown is contending that he knows nothing of such a transaction. He has not been involved in any such business — money laundering or otherwise, with any Minister of the government, he said.? Sugrim was born in Crabwood Creek on the Upper Corentyne. He was educated at Skeldon Scots School and Skeldon Line Path Secondary School. He then left school and started working with his father Sugrim in the rice fields. He also planted crops and engaged in fishing.During the 80s, when there was a severe restriction in the importation of certain products into Guyana, the enterprising Berbice businessman brought in “banned” goods and supplied the nation.After that, Mr. Sugrim developed 4,000 acres of sugar cane land in Crabwood Creek and the Moleson Creek/Jackson Creek area to supply the new Skeldon sugar factory.The businessman constructed a wharf in Crabwood Creek, then bought barges and tugs to transport road building materials such as sand, stone,Cheap Jerseys, laterite, etc to road builders in Berbice.He was also involved in trading — bringing in clothing from the USA and other countries to Guyana.By 1998, “Chiney” Sugrim had sold out the cane lands and wharf. He moved to the East Coast of Demerara in 2002 and built a gas station. He then sold that investment and began importing machinery and spare parts — creating in 2004 a business called GUYTRAC to import into Guyana farming equipment,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, heavy duty equipment, spare parts, mining equipment and fishing equipment. This made him into one of the biggest players in that sector of business.Mr. Sugrim then became the local agent for New Excavators from South Korea, tractors from Italy and India, rice combines from Italy and used Caterpillar equipment from the USA and Europe.The visionary investor expanded his business from one building to six locations of GUYTRAC and has been doing legal and above board business continually in Guyana up to the present.Mr. Sugrim is regarded in business circles as an upright man, credible businessman and devout family man who, though he has most of his business operations based in the city,Cheap Jerseys 2018, drives 140 miles every Friday to be home in his beloved Crabwood Creek for the weekend.He is the father of two — a son and a daughter— plus he has three grandchildren and one great-grand child. The businessman also has four brothers and four sisters.The patriotic and nationalistic Guyanese business entrepreneur is, at present, constructing a shopping mall on Lombard Street in Georgetown and a hotel in Corriverton,jerseys nfl wholesale, Berbice.He has always relied on financing from several banks, while also investing his own generated capital.Many prominent individuals, organizations,Cheap NFL jerseys China, agencies and individuals who have benefited in one way or the other from the goodwill and largesse of this responsible corporate citizen and captain of industry would attest to the fact that Mr. H.N. Sugrim,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, familiarly called “Chiney”, is a person of good character and a community-minded Guyanese.