標題: Wholesale Cheap Jerseys standards

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2457
用戶失蹤天數 2160
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-17 00:42
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Several businesses yesterday signed on to the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI)’s Code of Conduct which was launched yesterday at Duke Lodge,cheap nfl jerseys, Kingston.The event was attended by scores of business persons, 24 of whom were the first signatories on the document which provides guidelines to the membership on how businesses should operate locally.President of the GCCI,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Komal Ramnauth, in his presentation to the gathering,Wholesale Jerseys Store, called on all businesses to sign on to and commit to adhering to the guidelines. He said that the Code of Conduct represents GCCI’s commitment to practicing business in Guyana at a high standard.Senior Vice President and Chairman of the Governance and Security, GCCI, Eon Casear, said that the Code of Conduct is a part of a five-year strategic plan for the Chamber.He explained that the Code of Conduct is a set of rules and guidelines outlining the responsibility, principles and standards to which businesses should operate.Chairman of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) Ramesh Dookhoo, while applauding the initiative, said that there is a business environment where business people seek to cut corners to maximize profits, and by signing on to the Code of Conduct, the businesses are obligated to adhering to all of the rules and regulations, and must uphold their corporate social responsibility.Evadnie Benfield,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Acting Executive Director of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS), said that she was pleased with the initiative,NFL Jerseys Supply, adding that it is good to see that the message of operating businesses with standards is finally having the desired effect.She urged the businesses to adhere to the principles set out in the Code of Conduct.The Code of Conduct was developed as a guideline for the GCCI membership on the ideals of ethical principles, standards, and in accordance with the laws of Guyana and the bylaws of the Chamber. It is based on firm business ethics and incorporates Corporate and Social Responsibility, particularly as it relates to the environment.In the Code it is stated, “We the members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall at all times: Obey the laws of the Republic of Guyana both in letter and spirit and those of the countries in which we conduct business; Never knowingly assist any third party in violating any law; Demonstrate ethical behaviour in all business transactions,Cheap Jerseys, reject and actively discourage corrupt behaviour and bribery by means of the exchange of cash, gifts or information; Not provide or attempt to provide and gain commercial advantage by improper inducements, favours or benefits, directly or indirectly, so as to influence Government officials and/or public servants; Not knowingly mislead any Government investigator or other regulatory official and at all times provide truthful and accurate information about our performance to any government regulatory agency, enquiry or investigation.”The Code of Conduct also states: “We the members of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry agree that free and fair competition is critical for a well functioning open market economy and contributes to increasing the wealth of the country and its citizenry. We therefore shall: Engage in fair trade and competition within the realms of the law; Not knowingly make payments, offer inducements or grant favours in exchange for competitive advantages; Respect for both trademark and intellectual property rights.”The Code of Conduct is divided into various principles that dictate how business communities should operate as it relates to Legislation and the Government, Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Owners and Investors, Competition, Communities and the Environment.


帖子 2067
註冊 2018-2-24
用戶註冊天數 2319
用戶失蹤天數 2189
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-17 00:50
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帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2483
用戶失蹤天數 1829
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-17 04:19
In what can be dubbed an interesting manner to evict an unwanted tenant,China Soccer Jerseys, a man yesterday allegedly doused his Patentia,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, West Bank Demerara home with gasoline before proceeding to set it alight.Fire officers examining the flattened houseAt least this is according to the man’s cousin, Lisa Thomas, who related to this publication that the act was carried out in the full view of several residents. It is also alleged that the arsonist is a known drug addict.No one attempted to stop him from carrying out the act, which according to reports has left a man and his pregnant wife homeless.This publication learnt that Trevor Thomas,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, also known as Moey, had built the modest domicile some three years ago but had left the premises unattended for a few months and upon his return it was occupied by a man residents identified as Godfrey Hill also known as ‘Flex’ and his reputed wife Donna David.“Moey build he house,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, but he didn’t living deh for a while, but then Flex and he pregnant wife move in about three months now and he (Moey) didn’t know who tell them move in he house,China Jerseys,” said Lisa Thomas.There are reports that the man had made several attempts to get the couple out of his house to no avail. This reportedly prompted him to burn the house down as a last resort. This publication understands that no one was in the house at the time of the blaze which sent several residents rushing to the scene.The flattened house, which was located at Lot 1 East Front Patentia Squatting area,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, was reduced to mere rubble in a matter of minutes. The fire service was summoned and a tender from the West Ruimveldt Fire Station arrived on the scene shortly after. Efforts by fire officers were successful in ensuring that the fire did not spread to a nearby shop and residence.Neither the alleged arsonist nor the recent occupants of the house could be found as fire officers sought to investigate the origin of the blaze.The matter has since been reported to the Wales Police Station and there are reports that a search has been launched for the suspected arsonist.