標題: Authentic Jerseys China freedom of speech

帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2470
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-18 03:09
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In what can arguably be described as A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change’s (APNU+AFC) largest crowd turn out to date, the Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara rally saw promises of a coming ‘revolution’ and pledges made to free the state media and ensure fair distribution of radio licences.APNU+AFC Presidential candidate David Granger and Prime Ministerial candidate Moses Nagamootoo, as well as Basil Williams took the stage.Prime Ministerial candidate Moses Nagamootoo swamped on stage by children from Golden GroveSpeaking to the large gathering, which saw residents coming from as far as Mahaicony in the east and Plaisance in the west, Nagamootoo stated that it was not merely an election campaign, but a “peaceful revolution” that embodied the “hopes, dreams and aspirations of all ancestors, from slavery through indentureship.”He also reminded the coalition’s supporters of the responsibility on their shoulders, to not respond to any provocation that may be directed towards them, stating that such actions stem from efforts to discredit them and show Guyana that they were not ready to take charge.“But we have to show that we deserve this revolution and we cannot afford to play into the game of those who want to attack us. A revolution in the first place must be to change the old, the corrupt and the negatives that surround us. Therefore we ourselves must lead by example,” he said.He urged his supporters to not allow themselves to be ‘set up’, and to be tolerant in the face of provocation.State media and radio frequenciesNagamootoo, a former Minister of Information in the Cheddi Jagan administration, also spoke on the monopoly over state media. He highlighted what the consequence has been to the nation,Wholesale Stitched NFL Jerseys, owing to the Government’s “misuse” of the state media and promised that should his government come to power, the state media would be liberated and questionable frequency transactions investigated.Guyanese Rising Star Lisa Punch doing her thing at the rally.“The media is about freedom of expression, freedom of speech, the right to speak up and speak out. Part of the battle we face before us is how to free the state media. Because for so long, the state has controlled the media. They have tried to silence your voice. And when you are silenced,Wholesale Jerseys, you will be afraid. That is what they are doing today, to intimidate people, because you have no voice,Cheap Jeseys NFL,” the Prime Ministerial candidate said.Nagamootoo reminded the crowd that the state had locked out the opposition and other independent voices. Stating that the “revolution” was not only to change the Government but to also to change the media.“We have a plan. We will review all those television stations,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, and those radio stations that were given to friends. We will ensure that they are re-distributed to those who deserve to have and who are responsible,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” he said.He also spoke of the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU),Wholesale NFL Jerseys, which he said would be reorganized to ensure fairness in the distribution of media ownership.“It is time to bring an end to the domination of our thoughts and voices. As Bob Marley said, we must free ourselves from mental slavery,” Nagamootoo declared.A section of the crowd