標題: Wholesale MLB Jerseys Michelle Semple

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2457
用戶失蹤天數 2160
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-3-19 10:14
分享  私人訊息  頂部
Six-year-old Shurlock Semple has been diagnosed with a brain tumour by doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and has been in the institution’s Intensive Care Unit for the past three weeks.Shurlock SempleApproximately US$50,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,000 is needed for surgery,Adidas NHL Jerseys China, airfare for him and his parents,Cheap Jerseys From China, along with meals and accommodation. The child’s mother, Michelle Semple,Cheap Jerseys From China, said that her son was scheduled for surgery in Trinidad and Tobago on June 18,Cheap Jerseys From China, however due to financial difficulties he was unable to undergo the procedure to remove the tumour.As such,Wholesale Jerseys, she is issuing an appeal to the public for any financial assistance to have her son travel for his surgery.In a previous publication the Republic Bank account number was published as 751-025-805. The correct account number is 751-025-8.