標題: Cheap Jerseys Wholesale ” said President Ramotar.

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
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發表於 2018-4-12 07:46
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…as measures to help manage natural resources are amplified“Corruption must be confronted in every area,Cheap Jerseys From China,” said President Donald Ramotar yesterday as he delivered the feature discourse at the opening of a two-day sustainable management seminar at the Guyana International Conference Centre.The Head of State dubbed the event a “timely get-together” adding that while confronting corruption in every area it is particularly important in areas where returns could be very high.President Donald Ramotar makes his remarksHe was at the time referring to activities that fall within the purview of the Natural Resources Sector.The President said,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, “We have to organise a management system that will be strong enough to fight against all kinds of corruption in the society and particularly in this area (mining sector).”He referred to the nature of the extractive activities as “very,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, very tempting to bribe people to turn a (blind) eye to damage the economy…It is very tempting to make some more money by doing other things in that area.”The Head of State warned that the management system must have some level of transparency that will discourage negative activities as far as possible. “I know that some people don’t like transparency because sometimes it is being used in a more slanderous way but it is important for us to continuously use it as a tool to fight against any corruption…”The President touted a move which could see Guyana working with other countries with similar natural resources with a view of formulating a standardised tax regime for the sale of such resources.This strategic move,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the President said,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, could be undertaken through the Foreign Affairs Ministry since according to him rumour has it that “a lot of our gold is smuggled out to where there is a lower royalty rate…I am not suggesting that we lower our loyalty rate because I strongly believe that we should try to maximise what we get to invest in our people generally and to make our country better.”He alluded to the fact that the natural resources, and mining sector in particular play a major role in the economy adding that the revenue that is secured from that sector has been growing in importance as well as in size.The President said that it is important that “we maximise the benefits that exist in this area and at the same time minimise the negatives that can also happen as we have seen in many other parts of the world.”Needful diversificationHowever,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he noted that Guyana is fortunate to be developing its natural resources at a time when “our body of knowledge in the world is grown to some extent that would allow us to learn from those experiences and to take the best and the positives…”Referring to natural resources as “wasting assets” since they do not grow like rice and sugar, the President warned that it is very important to plug some of the revenue garnered from such activities into areas that would be important to sustain a good standard of living for all Guyanese.He vocalised his desire to see the introduction of the proposed Hydro project which would allow for persons to benefit from cheap energy adding that “resources that we acquire from the mining sector should go into developing our real economy.”He also spoke of the need to bolster the manufacturing and processing sectors since these areas could help sustain the economy. He further alluded to the importance of improving the education sector.“We generally see countries where you have a high level of education. Those have a very high standard of living. This is another area (to which) we can divert some of these resources that we accrue from the mining industry in order to build our human capital.”Although there is currently not much that can be plugged into research for education at the moment, the President said that Guyana has a lot of raw materials including pristine forests to facilitate such undertakings.He said that extractive activities must be undertaken in a cautious and ecologically friendly way.“We have other things that we can take a lead in the world and the resources that we accrue can go towards developing our education system; broadening it so that it can continue to benefit long after they (natural resources) would have been exhausted,” said President Ramotar.


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 07:47
-accused says she was paid to procure “girls” for his business Thanks to the police,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, a Berbice businessman who is based in neighbouring Suriname, may be able to recover the half million dollars he gave to a woman who claimed that she was a staff of the Ministry of Agriculture and was in a position to obtain important documents to facilitate his fishing business.The woman was arrested yesterday in New Amsterdam after evading capture for several days but although she has admitted collecting some money from the businessman, she gave a totally different reason for the transaction.The woman is claiming that she was given the money to procure some girls for the businessman’s business in Suriname.The businessman told this newspaper that he was introduced to the woman sometime last week by another acquaintance who was arranging for him to obtain “vital documents” to aid in his business.He said that he has been in the fishing business for the past 22 years and recently he was told that he would need to get some approval from the local Ministry of Agriculture to secure some “tax exemption” for the fishing trade.It appeared that it was a well orchestrated plan to extort money from him.“They were fighting me down to pay duty,NFL Jerseys Store, so I was going to town to get this paper they say I had to get to be exempted,” the man told Kaieteur News.On his way to town he was contacted by a woman via telephone who identified herself as the Head Clerk of the Ministry of Agriculture.“She say she hear that I wanted this document and she could arrange it for me. She said that it would usually take up to two years to get it but she could get it in two weeks,China NFL Jerseys,” the businessman said.The fee was a whopping $500,000 and since he desperately wanted it,Jerseys NFL Cheap, he reluctantly agreed to pay.He was told to meet the woman near the University of Guyana access road.He eventually met the woman and handed over the money.“I so stupid, I did not even ask her for ID. But I did ask her if this thing legit and she said that she been doing it for a lot of people. I feel so nice, I took her to new thriving and had lunch,” the businessman told Kaieteur News.A few days passed and the woman telephoned him to assure him that all was well.Last Sunday though when the businessman called the woman he began getting some suspicious vibes,Jerseys NFL China, by the way she was responding to his queries.He soon realised that he was conned and he began making moves to recover his money.He even contacted the woman again and offered her more money to speed up the process in an effort to entrap her but after then he never got through to her again.He confided in some friends who promised to help him locate the woman and eventually they did.The police were called in and they moved in yesterday and arrested the woman at a New Amsterdam, Berbice location.But the woman told police that she did not collect the sum of money the businessman is claiming.She said that she was given $200,000 to secure some “girls” for the businessman to take back to Suriname to work at his business there.While police seem to have bought her story,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, they are still expected to charge her and place her before the court tomorrow .


帖子 1114
註冊 2018-4-2
用戶註冊天數 2284
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 07:59
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帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 09:00
If you didn’t live in Guyana you would believe that everything wrong in this country is de new govt cause it.Venezuela come till in Guyana waters,Cheap Jerseys From China, air and land and? flex dem muscle wid surface to air missiles and sophisticated war tanks wha dem seh better than wha Uncle Sam got,Jerseys From China, never mind dem look ugly and rusty.Is Jagdeo put de country in this. De money that he mek disappear. Had he spent a quarter on defence,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Maduro would a never think about coming half way in Venezuela towards de border.Instead,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, de scamp buy a gunboat wha a slingshot more dangerous than.? He never seh how much he pay, but dem boys believe he pay US$50,NFL Jerseys China,000 and dig out US$3 million from de Treasury.Guyana never see that gunboat to date and fuh sure it ain’t deh nowhere near guarding his mansion. Then he buy a water cannon that never meet Buxton. It was going to Linden and never reach. It breakdown pun de highway.When dem do decide to do de test, a lady stand up and seh she can pee more forceful and further than de water cannon. Jagdeo never tell de nation how much he pay fuh that piece of crap.Then he buy two helicopter that palm fly and even butterfly can fly faster. One fall out de sky de first day it went up and dem boys don’t want to seh that he should have been inside.De other helicopter use to fly around de city, parts of East Coast, West Coast and East Bank looking fuh criminals and all dem use to see every night is Jagdeo.This is de Guyana Jagdeo create or mold over de years from 1999,Cheap NBA Jerseys Wholesale, nearly two decades pass. Dem three things he buy, de gunboat, de water cannon and de helicopter nobody don’t know wheh dem deh.In fact, he pull out de teeth from de country and made us into toothless poodles.Don’t be surprised that by next week he gun start cussing de army and Soulja Bai fuh not being able to respond to Venezuela’s BS.Talk half and de Waterfalls boss man still waiting to pay fuh de chandelier.


帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 11:39
Applications for broadcasting licences pending at the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) may be processed shortly.Cabinet has approved the appointment of the Governing Board of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority subsequent to the commencement order identifying that the Broadcast Act of 2011 has come into force.Dr. Roger Luncheon made this announcement yesterday during post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President.Former Minister and Attorney-at-Law Bibi Shaddick will be chairperson of the board,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, while the other six members are UG lecturer, Sherwood Lowe (nominee of the leader of the Opposition) and presidential nominees,NFL Jerseys From China, Project Manager of the One Laptop Per Family Project, Margot Boyce; Captain Gerry Gouveia; former army chief, Major General Norman McLean (ret’d); Head of the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA),Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Dr. Dindyal Permaul and Charles S. Ramson Jr,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, a lawyer at the Office of the President.Dr. Luncheon related that the Board is tasked statutorily with licencing in the Broadcast Sector and ensuring compliance of broadcasters with the provision of the Broadcast Act. Unaware of the number of applications for broadcasting licences that accumulated over the years,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, he opined that there have been a “tidy few” sent to the NFMU for processing.Dr. Luncheon added that the initial location for the Governing Board would be the National Frequency Management Unit, but there are plans to establish an office. It would house the Broadcasting Authority and provide office space for the Governing Board.“The opportunity would of course be used to build, to accommodate expanded services to be offered by the successor to the National Frequency Management Unit, but that would be a matter subsequent to legislation that is before Parliament right now – the Telecommunications Amendment Bill,Wholesale Jerseys Online,” he said.


帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 15:59
The Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce is closely monitoring the quality of building materials being sold on the local market to ensure that consumers receive what they pay for. This has resulted from numerous customer complaints in several areas across the country. Complaints relate to specification problems with steel rods, zinc sheets and board measurements.Commerce Minister Manniram Prashad during a media briefing yesterday,cheap jerseys, said that a team of inspectors,Wholesale Jerseys China, comprising officers of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) and the Consumer Affairs Division within the Ministry, was sent out to inspect the materials at leading retail stores and it is expected that the information will be assessed and a meeting will be called with producers and retailers to address the problem.? According to a Government Information Agency release, the Minister stated that his Ministry will be issuing an advisory to consumers shortly, providing necessary information to ensure that they are not conned. He pointed out that the GNBS is monitoring the situation and will ensure that this problem does not recur.Problems encountered by consumers in relation to steel rods, the Minister said, were that retailers were selling shorter rods. He noted that in some cases consumers paying for 20ft rods received rods in lengths of 19ft.For zinc sheets, the Minister explained that these are sold in varying gauges,Jerseys From China, the higher the gauge, the stronger the sheets and some consumers complained that they paid for 28 gauge sheets and received 27 while others paid for 30 gauge and received less. However,cheap jerseys, consumers who are not employed in the construction sector are unable to determine the difference, and as such,NFL Jerseys China, receive inferior quality zinc sheets.Some retailers are guilty of not labelling the zinc sheets and instead of placing stamps they use paper labels which are easily removed and consumers have no way of knowing whether the labelling is accurate.The GNBS will be ensuring that proper labelling is done so that consumers are not shortchanged in the process since the losses amount to millions,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, the Minister said.


帖子 6579
註冊 2017-12-5
用戶註冊天數 2402
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 16:24
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帖子 1335
註冊 2018-3-27
用戶註冊天數 2290
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狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 16:46
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帖子 21821
註冊 2017-9-26
用戶註冊天數 2472
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-12 16:59
The Guyana Police Force has boosted its strength by an additional 63 ranks as it prepares to play its part in securing the nation during Guyana’s 50th Anniversary of Independence.The new recruitsAfter rigorous training and discipline, the recruits from two courses were welcomed into the fold of the Guyana Police Force with the mandate to uphold the organization’s motto of?”Service and Protection”.The recruits, who are now Constables, were drawn from Courses 338 and 339. They commenced training at various points from January, under the theme “Training to build and strengthen the competencies of ranks, through partnerships and monitoring of performances.”During the passing out parade, yesterday at the Police Officers’ Training Centre, Camp Road,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, Training Officer for the Force,Cheap Jerseys, Assistant Commissioner, Paul Williams, told the new recruits to refrain from corruption since it will destroy their career.He also told them that they are now in a profession and advised them not to follow peer pressure since it can cost them their career.The Training Officer recalled one instance where a police rank from Berbice found himself in Georgetown with some friends and an illegal gun. For that matter,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, he is currently before the court.Williams also told the new recruits of the time a police constable went into a drug yard and decided to smoke. He collapsed in his uniform and had to be taken to the hospital.There will be challenges, Williams said, but the ranks have to stay true to their profession in the Guyana Police Force.“Parents,China Soccer Jerseys, the time and money spent on training are no easy sums and we cannot be repaid—we expect their commitment. Encourage them that money is not all,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, they have a career.”During training, the ranks were exposed to the elementary and essential things that they needed to know at this level.They were urged to be polite, flexible and friendly,Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale, and at the same time be firm in the discharge of their duties.Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine told the recruits that they have to be strong to overcome the challenges.“Policing is for people who are tough mentally and physically because you have to be strong to overcome the challenges. It is a profession and not a job,” the Assistant Commissioners told the constables.The new police ranks will soon be assigned to different divisions.