標題: Cheap Soccer Jerseys Buxton

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註冊 2017-9-26
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發表於 2018-4-12 17:01
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Yog Mahadeo on Friday ended his employment with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Co. Ltd (GT&T).The telephone company in thanking Mahadeo, recognized his “energetic and creative” leadership which “built tremendous goodwill” for GT&T “in and out of Guyana”.The company also recognized Mahadeo’s integrity and hard work.Former CEO of GT&T, Yog MahadeoThe executive announced his resignation in June after blowing the whistle on irregularities of payments to a senior official of the National Communications Network (NCN). It sparked a major investigation that saw NCN official, Martin Goolsarran,Wholesale NBA Jerseys Authentic, being sent home and his CEO, Mohamed Sattaur,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, resigning.“Under his leadership, GT&T reduced rates for consumers,Cheap Football Jerseys, made?significant investments in Guyana, improved customer service and?financial performance, and successfully launched innovative new?products such as our Blackberry service.”The company lauded “Yog” as an energetic and creative executive who?built tremendous goodwill for GT&T and was an effective ambassador for its brand both in and outside of Guyana. The company expressed thanks for Mahadeo’s assistance in effecting transition to the new team.“We thank Yog for his many contributions to GT&T and wish him every?success in all his future endeavors.”Mahadeo had been credited for revitalizing the GT&T Jingle and Song?competition which became wildly popular last year. He introduced a number of promotions and events including the GT&T FastBall competition and the Ten/10 softball competition.Mahadeo was often quoted as inviting Guyanese to “dare to dream” and “we will make your dream reality”.In addition to sport, he embraced new horizons launching the Spelling Bee competition, Literature quiz and the Cinderella show along with the play “Berbice Uprising”.Mahadeo had been involved in a host of developmental activities across the country. These included Mabaruma, Buxton,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Corriverton, and other places. The telecommunications link at Kaieteur Falls was achieved under his watch as the company also grew landlines to 150,NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000 and DSL subscribers grew by 18,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys,000.The pony-tailed executive was a fixture at many events.“He revolutionized marketing and leadership in Guyana,” an official of the Private Sector Commission said yesterday.