標題: Wholesale Jerseys USA yesterday

帖子 24258
註冊 2017-9-13
用戶註冊天數 2484
用戶失蹤天數 1831
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-13 08:17
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A one-flat one-bedroom house located at lot 399 ‘B’ Field Sophia was early yesterday morning destroyed by fire. The house was occupied by a man identified as Jeffrey McEwan.The burnt out remains of the wooden structure at lot 399 ‘B’ Field Sophia.Reports are that the fire started around 02:00 hours yesterday. At the time the owner of the house was at home.This publication was told that this is the second time in a matter of months that the building was completely destroyed by fire.Sources told this publication that McEwan who is always under the influence of alcohol came home smoking a cigarette in his drunken state.It is believed that the cigarette fell out of the man’s hand and started the fire. Shortly after the fire was seen in the house McEwan exited the house and stood watching on as his house went up in flames.It was other residents in the area who alerted the fire service. But by the time the fire tender arrived the wooded structure was completely gutted. Fortunately no other nearby structures were destroyed by tree in nearby yards were scotched.Reports are that at dawn,Wholesale Jerseys, yesterday,Wholesale China Jerseys, police were seen escorting McEwan out of his yard. It is not clear if the man was being detained to assist with investigation. Further there are reports that a few months ago another structure on the same plot of land was destroyed by fire reportedly under the same circumstances.