標題: Authentic Jerseys Wholesale of 219 West Ruimveldt

帖子 13351
註冊 2017-10-9
用戶註冊天數 2458
用戶失蹤天數 2162
狀態 離線
發表於 2018-4-13 08:47
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A 41-year-old taxi driver, who allegedly had sex with a female against her will, on two occasions, was yesterday remanded to prison after making a court appearance before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.The man, Orville Lester, 41, of Lot 661 Field 8 South West Cummings Lodge, is accused of having of having sex with a female against her will on May 3.His lawyer, Sasha Roberts,Jerseys NFL Cheap, in association with Adrian Thompson, did not make a bail application. The lawyer said that they would be defending the allegations vigorously, because Lester has no idea who the complainant is.Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford, said that Lester allegedly had sex with the woman twice against her will.He added that Lester has pending matters of a similar nature in court five. The magistrate remanded the accused and he is expected to make another court appearance on June 12.Also appearing before the same magistrate was Geoffrey Ellis, who allegedly assaulted his sister with a hockey stick.It was alleged that Ellis,Wholesale Jerseys, 45,NFL Jerseys China, of 219 West Ruimveldt,Wholesale Jerseys China, on May 15,Cheap China Jerseys, unlawfully and maliciously assaulted his sister, Judson Ellis.The woman told the court that on the day in question she was cleaning when her brother came home.According to the woman, she told her brother not to enter the house,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, since she was cleaning and he became annoyed and started beating her with a hockey stick. The prosecution objected to bail.Ellis was remanded to prison and is expected to make another court appearance on June 24.