標題: China Jerseys According to her

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註冊 2017-10-9
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發表於 2018-4-13 09:53
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NEW AMSTERDAM, BERBICE – On Friday, the New Jersey Arya Samaj Humanitarian Mission was added to the list of donors to afford 24-year old heart patient Seon Springer a fighting chance.The group handed over US$500 (GY$100,000) to the man’s mother, Maxine Williams, to offset expenses for an open heart surgery in Barbados on February 22.Dr. Ramesh Sugrim presenting the cheque to Maxine Williams in the presence of another member of the group.During the month of May 2008, Seon Springer, of Lot 232 Tucber Park in New Amsterdam, collapsed while playing basketball on the Burnham Court in Georgetown.He was rushed to the Balwant Singh Hospital and days later was diagnosed with regurgitation of the aortic valve. According to the mother, Maxine Williams, the blood should flow in one direction but because of the rupture, the blood is now going two ways, “It is causing it to leak into the left ventricle and has caused an enlargement of the heart.”From May 2008 to date, Seon’s health deteriorated rapidly.“He cannot even walk nor do any exercise, just walking a short distant would cause him to become breathless and fatigued. He suffered from bouts of nausea and other things.“Since he was first diagnosed there were other complications – the mitral valve is also ruptured. He needs surgery to replace both the aorta and the mitral valves. It was advised that the surgery be done where there is a center with ventricular capabilities.”According to her, a document from the Caribbean Heart Institute indicated that the man’s heart function is severely depressed thus making the risk of surgery very high.The mother and son are to travel to Barbados on February 6. The surgical procedure is scheduled for February 22 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, “It is an open heart surgery to replace the valve. It is high risk and an expensive surgery. He has to do it in order to save his life. There are no other options – it’s the surgery or death. From May 2008,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, he has been in and out of the Balwant Singh Hospital, the New Amsterdam Hospital and the Caribbean Heart Institute.”“However small (a donation), please help my only son. He is a young man and this condition is threatening his life. He is certainly not the same he once was. The cost for the surgery is US$16,350. So far we have raised US$6,NFL Jerseys Wholesale,700 and still have a far way to go. Though the date for the surgery is set, if we do not raise that amount,NHL Jerseys Authentic, the surgery cannot be done. This means I would just have to sit and watch my only son die. Can you please help? Please give him a chance to live a long life. He has so much potential and so much to offer. I also beg of you all, please pray for Seon,Discount NFL Jerseys, keep us in your prayer at all times.”Seon Springer was an active member of the New Amsterdam United Football Club and the Berbice Senior Basketball Team,China NFL Jerseys, “To the football and basketball fraternity of Guyana, please hear the cries of Seon and offer whatever financial assistance possible. We would also like to thank each and every organisation that contributed towards my son’s surgery.”Head of the New Jersey Arya Samaj Humanitarian Mission, Pandit Sugrim, speaking via telephone from New Jersey, said the purpose of their organisation is to help persons in times of trouble.“We pray that Seon Springer?will?be doing?amazingly well after his surgery and?there will be?better times for him, because he will be kept in our prayers and thoughts. It is my hope that someday Seon and his family will be in the position to help someone else in need.”The presentation of the cheque was done at Williamsburg on the Corentyne by Dr. Ramesh Sugrim, Head of the Guyana Chapter.Also on Friday, a Good Samaritan from Rose Hall Town who preferred to remain anonymous handed over $10,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,000 to the mother, Maxine Williams.